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    This is me.woop woop band wagon lol

    lol i'm 18 ill be 19 in january
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    This is me.woop woop band wagon lol

    ah man im jealous she's got the exclusive HTC Barbie phone,I want one ;[ lol
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    This is me.woop woop band wagon lol

    Me,possibly the youngest on the site? lol
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    What Awesome Apps. Do You Run?

    ok so in my search for a new rom the topic came up that many of us are running 100's of awesome apps. I myself only run ifonz,pocketplus,sms nuke,SKTOOLS,Sprite Backup,skyfire,Selboriyorker Phone suite, Pocket Uno,and AIM. and I know you guys have ALOT better ones that i'd like to hear about so...
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    Taking request

    make me one if you want just with a HTC Touch,my AMJ SN and the HTC logo and im not picky on ne thing i leave all the creative juices to u lol
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    Pocket Live TV 1.0 - cracked

    when i click the nfo file says "System Information cannot open this NFO file. It might be corrupted or and unrecognized version" any ideas?
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    Diamond's FM radio application (Cab File for world version)

    will this work on the htc j/p
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    phoneAlarm Pro v2.07 Build 302

    o0o0o0o0o0o Busted *hides his infractions under the desk* lol
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    Verizon Buys Alltel

    From what i've heard from my manager at work verizon and alltel r staying seperate companies under one roof basicly the only real merger goin on is the sharing of phones and towers and i've actually confirmed that the touch pro will be coming out on alltel late 2008 or as early as jan-feb of 2009
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    Verizon Buys Alltel

    lol well i work at alltel and my bills free so i dont really care
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    Verizon Buys Alltel

    Haha using Sprint in Ohio is like using a $5 walmart walkie talkie and expecting to talk to your friend 3 blocks away
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    Treo 800w or mogul?

    Htc > all htc ftw
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    Sprite Backup

    how do u know if its backin up contacts?
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    Skyfire Connection Error could just not goto those sites? rofl lay off the mobile porn? lol just messing with you could just be ur cell phone carrier having bad coverage in the area of ur phone use
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    Kaoss Touch Hybrid TAKE 1 WM61 REV A GPS ROM (HTC TOUCH ONLY)

    Re: Kaos's Touch Hybrid TAKE 1 WM6.1 REV A GPS ROM (HTC TOUCH ONLY!) it says the touch cube is removed does that mean i cant use my touchflo cube at all if i use this rom?
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    HTC Touch Battery Life

    I guess im just paranoid I baby my touch if i ever droped it I'd have a heart attack b4 i had ne old phone now I have a god called HTC lol although I would love a touch pro with how much dash brags about his but unforchanetly alltel might never get it so I must sulk n be happy about my Touch...
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    HTC Touch HD (Offical Now with SPECS + VIDEO)

    Re: HTC Touch HD (Offical Now with SPECS!) can u install the touch screen keyboard on this one? if so why would u need the slideout keyboard?
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    HTC Touch Battery Life

    Hm this is prolly the wrong section but it goes along with this topic,i believe... are there any iphone things like iFonz that work and r less heavy on the battery cause i download one that ran as a plugin like HTC home and i had to have the 2 launchers for it and it just seemed retarded and...
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    touch 3g

    lol the touch 3g is the same as the original just has the 3g network card in it...which i believe they all do now....
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    HTC Touch Battery Life

    yea i've seen the batteries on and as far as programs the only program that really runs on my phone is ifonz 24/7 and roms im to afraid to try n do i dont want to brick my touch im usually luck to get 8 hours out of a battery but that being said im also a heavy texter