HTC Touch Battery Life


Sprint Touch Pro
my battery barely last all day is this just the crappy short life of the HTC Touch battery that comes with it or do i possibly have a bad battery?
It is not just you. I have seen this mentioned all over the web. I've seen registry hacks that help with this and bigger batteries (some require a new back cover).
It is not just you. I have seen this mentioned all over the web. I've seen registry hacks that help with this and bigger batteries (some require a new back cover).
its rom as well... plus other things... with the battery hacks and my custom rom i made.which can be forund here. my battery last more then 24 hrs...i leave at 7 am for work.. phone goes on charger around 9pm .. i am usually around 50 to 65 % left.
yea i've seen the batteries on and as far as programs the only program that really runs on my phone is ifonz 24/7 and roms im to afraid to try n do i dont want to brick my touch im usually luck to get 8 hours out of a battery but that being said im also a heavy texter
it is said ifonz is heavy on battery life, and you should try to flash to a custom rom(personally) kaos' rom b/c battery life is as good as he said above. just look at my sig on how to flash, the tutorial couldnt be any easier
it is said ifonz is heavy on battery life, and you should try to flash to a custom rom(personally) kaos' rom b/c battery life is as good as he said above. just look at my sig on how to flash, the tutorial couldnt be any easier

Hm this is prolly the wrong section but it goes along with this topic,i believe...

are there any iphone things like iFonz that work and r less heavy on the battery cause i download one that ran as a plugin like HTC home and i had to have the 2 launchers for it and it just seemed retarded and didn't really work

i might try flashing my rom im just scared crapless cause i dont have the money for the insurance claim if i brick it
man touch and any htc device is almost impossible to brick...especially when creators test so much to insure it wont...touch is way easier then mogul..
I guess im just paranoid I baby my touch if i ever droped it I'd have a heart attack b4 i had ne old phone now I have a god called HTC lol although I would love a touch pro with how much dash brags about his but unforchanetly alltel might never get it so I must sulk n be happy about my Touch, plus I have no clue what rom would be good for me, plus somone told me they have a rom on there mogul that stoped there camera from being used i dont want that to happen to my touch
I guess im just paranoid I baby my touch if i ever droped it I'd have a heart attack b4 i had ne old phone now I have a god called HTC lol although I would love a touch pro with how much dash brags about his but unforchanetly alltel might never get it so I must sulk n be happy about my Touch, plus I have no clue what rom would be good for me, plus somone told me they have a rom on there mogul that stoped there camera from being used i dont want that to happen to my touch

thats why you read the changelog and make sure it has all the features you desire... the reason that it didnt have a camera is because the chef took the files out.
hey all my battery life has been pretty good for me so far. im not on it much so i usually get 2-3 days with it. but recently i've been having this problem. my battery meter goes up and down. for example it would say 18% and then later it would say 51%. vice versa also. i was like at 65% the other day and it just died on it lol. but yea i am on kaos' 420 rom right now. ive tried his new hybrid take 1 rom and also djharvey's rom. not sure what the problem is. thanks in advance.
hey all my battery life has been pretty good for me so far. im not on it much so i usually get 2-3 days with it. but recently i've been having this problem. my battery meter goes up and down. for example it would say 18% and then later it would say 51%. vice versa also. i was like at 65% the other day and it just died on it lol. but yea i am on kaos' 420 rom right now. ive tried his new hybrid take 1 rom and also djharvey's rom. not sure what the problem is. thanks in advance.

huh sounds like the time for a hard reset...... something in the registry is a little outta wack...... i would flash to the take 5 that kaos released..... the rom is butta.....
i have been. not sure why still. its happend to me on 3 different roms so far. today it jumped from 65% to 9%. maybe activesync? i have auto off activesync clicked on from quickmenu but maybe i should try autosync kill? ever heard of that program.

--------- New Post Merged on 22/9/2008 at 11:57:36 --------

lol dash isnt that take 5 for moguls only. i think he only released take 1 for the touch so far
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i have been. not sure why still. its happend to me on 3 different roms so far. today it jumped from 65% to 9%. maybe activesync? i have auto off activesync clicked on from quickmenu but maybe i should try autosync kill? ever heard of that program.

--------- New Post Merged on 22/9/2008 at 11:57:36 --------

lol dash isnt that take 5 for moguls only. i think he only released take 1 for the touch so far

word but he does have beta 2....... make sure the steel clips that connect with your battery are clear they could be giving a bad coonection....