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    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    Re: |HERM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | TF Hey i'm trying to find the Missed Call push button for the home page. Can anybody help me out? All help is greatly appreciated. --------- New Post Merged on 16/9/2009 at 02:32:25 -------- Sorry, i meant the call...
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    Sprint Touch Pro 2 Specs released

    do i need to have the 7$ insurance or the regular insurance? and when i took my pro to the store, they said that there was physical damage (even though the damage had nothing to do with my screen going out. sucks) so will the self service option will work.
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    Sprint Touch Pro 2 Specs released

    yeah that's what i thought, but when i had my mogul, i talked them into sending me a diamond so i started googling this morning to see if people were still able to get that result and i found that people were able to pay them like 20 bucks and get an upgrade. This was with verizon but i'm...
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    Sprint Touch Pro 2 Specs released

    Any chance insurance will be letting you upgrade from the pro? My pro's screen just broke and i got 60 days to make the claim. I'm wondering if I should just suck up not having a screen for a little while or if i would be wasting my time waiting for nothing.
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    [HTC-PRO] 10/2 SsS-ROMv0402 WM65(21864.5.0.81) Rhodium Manila2.1 EzInput2.1

    Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzIn hey, so i've been having a lotta problems with this version and wanted to know if there was a link to the previous version. it would help me out a lot. Thanks if u can. cool if u cant.
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    [HTC-PRO] *Updated Nov 25th* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5 ROMs

    Re: *Updated July 13th* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5 ROMs Hey everyone. I'm have a repeated problem that i'm hoping somebody could help me solve it. I've been jumping around different roms and i came across the good reviews of this rom and I love most everything about it. It's really responsive...
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    [HTC-PRO] 10/2 SsS-ROMv0402 WM65(21864.5.0.81) Rhodium Manila2.1 EzInput2.1

    Re: ROM* *7/7* *SsS-ROMv0203* *WM6.5(23003.5.0.60)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInp Hey everybody. I just flashed to the Titanium version and have loved it since my last update aside from a couple issues. A few links don't work for me like my calculator and my facebook application. other than that...
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    StarROM 20 (The New Beginning) WM 65 5221222

    I do love that the rom is smooth but has anybody found a fix for the random screen lock ups? Lol it's killing me when I'm texting at work with the virtual keyboard. and does anybody have a problem with the text messages application not letting you close a conversation and open another one until...
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    StarROM 20 (The New Beginning) WM 65 5221222

    Hey. I just flashed to this this morning after reading Dash's review of the SSS rom and this rom and i enjoy it very much so far except for one thing. When i'm using touchpal for texting and i get into a long message. During message, my screen will freeze for 5 seconds or so before finishing the...
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    Looking for ATR 65 rom

    Sorry about the post in the wrong place last time. But i'm looking for the ATR 6.5 rom that dash was using in his youtube video where he was running mobile shell 3.0. I installed 3 of them thinking that i had the right stuff but when i looked in the today setting, i found nothing. Any help would...
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    thanks for the heads up. i closed that thread. but i still don't have the right rom. i checked...

    thanks for the heads up. i closed that thread. but i still don't have the right rom. i checked all the ones that i installed and non of them had the windows default in the today settings. i try not to ask stupid questions so my bad. you think you can point me in the right direction?
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    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Looking for ATR 65 rom

    So I'm looking for the ATR 6.5 rom that i saw in the youtube video that dash had up. He was using mobile shell 3.0. I downloaded like three different ATR roms thinking that i was gonna get 6.5 but i didnt get it. so if i could get some help, that would be great. Thanks for any help i can get.
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    [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

    Re: [ROM] [Apr 29] JUICY 7 - Build 090429H (215015070) [UC] Rhodium Man for the most part, i love the update. runs smooth for me except one thing. when i'm testing with the virtual keyboard, i often get a lag and it will wait about 5 seconds before catching back up to me. any fix for this? All...
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    [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows Build 21731 ] MightyROM

    Re: [April 21st 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone 21501 Build 2150 Not to rush anybody, but i just wanted to see if anybody had the same problems that i was having and if they know of any solution for some of them. I appreciate any help i can get at this point.
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    [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows Build 21731 ] MightyROM

    Re: [April 21st 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone 21501 Build 2150 I flashed this a couple days ago and i must say that i love it. the wm 6.5 looks clean and runs well enough. just having a few problems. the first one is when i'm texting with a virtual keyboard. (the loaded one or...
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    [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows Build 21731 ] MightyROM

    Re: [March 25th 2009] One Rom To Rule Them All MIGHTYROM 416 [20771] [UC So whenever i try and use the MMS share, it says that i don't have the MMS commander and won't let me send video. Any fix for this?
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    [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows Build 21731 ] MightyROM

    Re: | February 25th 2009 | | M i g h t y R O M 412 | | 20765-UC- 24MB PP Thanks for the quick response. any solution to the sprint tv problem that i'm having?
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    [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows Build 21731 ] MightyROM

    Re: | February 25th 2009 | | M i g h t y R O M 412 | | 20765-UC- 24MB PP sigh....I'm sorry to ask but i can't find the battery performance hacks by TaylorAMJ. I'm sorry. i feel bad for asking but i need help and whenever i install my sprint TV, it doesn't show up in my programs list. Just...
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    [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC]

    Re: March 1st 2009-M i g h t y R O M 46 | |20765 - UC - 24MB PP| [Final I appreciate it!
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    [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC]

    Re: March 1st 2009-M i g h t y R O M 46 | |20765 - UC - 24MB PP| [Final I've been looking but can't seem to find the 4.5.5 for the pro. I saw the Best D/\MN Rom Ever post so i thought i would check it out.