StarROM 20 (The New Beginning) WM 65 5221222

I may have to come back to star rom and learn to close opera different haha. To me the star rom is the most complete 6.5 version as ive tried. It seems to be the only one out the ones Ive tried that have the rounded softer look to it though out also the dialer skin is slick on the star. damn haha

do it papa amish smurf!!!!!! you gotta be running the hottest and looking the best at the concert tomorrow!!!
i just changed to this rom i never loved a rom like this the 6.5 lock is clean everything perfect the only thing im missing is a pic sending application is there a way to get 1 like the 1 on the atr rom cuz that 1 was simple part of my text
i just changed to this rom i never loved a rom like this the 6.5 lock is clean everything perfect the only thing im missing is a pic sending application is there a way to get 1 like the 1 on the atr rom cuz that 1 was simple part of my text

nto sure what was on atr more than likely there is a cab install for whatever it was.
so im guessing all the lil kinks are worked out now sense the last time i was here asking about the new rom? other then the picture mail, witch u have stated a fix for that. well shownuf and dash i would like to here back from yall on this.

ps. sense this thred started it has came along way with the starrom's. i still remember posting comments on the first page of this thread lol.
Off charge at 8am back on charge for maybe 20 min then of to see korn its now a little after 12am and Im on 20%. I took pics a little video finally sent some pics * and used the phone normally during the day, so awesome battery life. I ended up using ie for my default browser, I signed into my windows live account and it created a new tab that I can launch the internet from it.

*I couldnt take a pic and send it, it would say it was to large and ask it youd like to resize it hit yes. I got tired of waiting, I would have to go to where its stored and then send and there was no trouble.

Great rom, and korn rocked.
Back on star rom at the moment.

Off charge at 8am back on charge for maybe 20 min then of to see korn its now a little after 12am and Im on 20%. I took pics a little video finally sent some pics * and used the phone normally during the day, so awesome battery life. I ended up using ie for my default browser, I signed into my windows live account and it created a new tab that I can launch the internet from it.

*I couldnt take a pic and send it, it would say it was to large and ask it youd like to resize it hit yes. I got tired of waiting, I would have to go to where its stored and then send and there was no trouble.

Great rom, and korn rocked.

hahahhaha nice glad it was ****ing awesome!!!! them pics you sent over were bad ass too :) papa smurf!!!! hahahahahahhahaa

my review.

i have put this rom through major hell and back for the results and this is what it spat out.... the battery life on this device is amazing. i can easily send and receive 500 plus texts a day and use the internet for weather, light browsing, games for downtime, downloads of files, talking, email, etc.... mad props on the battery life :) for the functionality of the rom i am still amazed at how smooth everything is on this rom. the titanium is snappy and bug free, everythign worked as it should, and the list could just go on and on. star is on to something here and i feel that with a few more versions many people will be flocking from all the other roms including the mighty which hasnt been to good lately but he will be back i know it :) this rom is awesome and wouldnt run anything but this right now since i havent heard of another that are blowing people away.... (until the release of fourthcoming)
Hey. I just flashed to this this morning after reading Dash's review of the SSS rom and this rom and i enjoy it very much so far except for one thing. When i'm using touchpal for texting and i get into a long message. During message, my screen will freeze for 5 seconds or so before finishing the message. I thought this was a problem with touchpal so i reinstalled it and tried deleting all the old messages from my text messages and then even tried a hard reset. still no good. It never fails that i get the freeze. Then i tried another wm6.5 rom to see if there was something with this rom but no good, it seems to happen whenever i use a 6.5 rom but not 6.1 cause ATR was cool with touchpal. I wanted to know if anybody else had this problem and if they found a fix for it. Thanks. I appreciate all help. and i do greatly agree, the battery life is insane. I don't have to worry about keeping a charger with me right now cause my phone lasted the whole day even after the flash and restore with PIM and with checking the basketball game every 2 minutes tonight. Good work!!!
Hey. I just flashed to this this morning after reading Dash's review of the SSS rom and this rom and i enjoy it very much so far except for one thing. When i'm using touchpal for texting and i get into a long message. During message, my screen will freeze for 5 seconds or so before finishing the message. I thought this was a problem with touchpal so i reinstalled it and tried deleting all the old messages from my text messages and then even tried a hard reset. still no good. It never fails that i get the freeze. Then i tried another wm6.5 rom to see if there was something with this rom but no good, it seems to happen whenever i use a 6.5 rom but not 6.1 cause ATR was cool with touchpal. I wanted to know if anybody else had this problem and if they found a fix for it. Thanks. I appreciate all help. and i do greatly agree, the battery life is insane. I don't have to worry about keeping a charger with me right now cause my phone lasted the whole day even after the flash and restore with PIM and with checking the basketball game every 2 minutes tonight. Good work!!!

its done that to me a few times but i agree with dash, the battery life is amazing, i have flashed to a few roms lately and this is by far the best along with the telus radio it is a great combination..aand i am running the mobile shell 3 as my userface along with playing several games, texting, etc...truelly amazing............
Thanks for the great reviews guys but my question is what is better the rom that has 6.5 or tflo3d-2 ?Thanks