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    [UPDATES] Asphalt 4 200 Elite Racing hd HTC VGA PRO WVGA NEW 6/11

    Re: Asphalt 4 112 Elite Racing hd HTC VGA OMNIA TREO PRO Thanks so much! i didnt realize it was a java game. wasnt listed anywhere on the post as a requirement. i hit the thanks button!
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    [UPDATES] Asphalt 4 200 Elite Racing hd HTC VGA PRO WVGA NEW 6/11

    Re: Asphalt 4 112 Elite Racing hd HTC VGA OMNIA TREO PRO sorry, how do you install this? i downloaded the treo pro. i unpacked it with winrar, then it became .jar file, i unpacked it with winrar again, it just opened a folder with a bunch of unsupported files. thanks guys.
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    [UPDATES] Inesoft Phone v502 NEW 03/10

    Re: Inesoft Phone v50 beta 7 nevermind, i was going to edit my post but DASH beat me to responding. i was able to revert back to default by reinstalling and under options, i unticked everything that uses inesoft phone. uninstall and it is now back to default. thanks though! BTW: DASH, i...
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    [UPDATES] Inesoft Phone v502 NEW 03/10

    Re: Inesoft Phone v50 beta 7 after uninstalling this, my dialpad and call history still under inesoft. is there a way to revert back to the original?
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    [UPDATES] PocketShield v2718 htc NEW 23/06

    doesnt look like it supports 320x320 sq screen huh? i tried to use the qvga and it only display on 1 side of the screen.
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    PPC App Request

    thanks..that is so weird. i searched with a bunch of different possibilities by typing "pocket shield" "pocketshield" ..i even misspelled shield on purpose to see if there was a typo and even searched using 'entire result', no result came up for me. that is strange. thank you though..i used the...
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    PPC App Request

    looking for pocket shield. another screen lock program. did a search and no results. thank you!
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    HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 1.06.344 build 0344 (freeware)

    Re: HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 106344 build 0344 (freeware) ive been on his page for a while just researching and was also reading their forum. so i did quite some research before i post this here. i was able to get it to show up on my home screen. i went into registry and deleted the...
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    HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 1.06.344 build 0344 (freeware)

    Re: HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 106344 build 0344 (freeware) i went into the program folder under program files, only files i see are calendar, contacts, task, and tasklist. i tried to open tasklist..nothing happens. theres no other files in there to open up the plugin.
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    HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 1.06.344 build 0344 (freeware)

    Re: HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 106344 build 0344 (freeware) i installed the latest homescreen ++, i saw it on my today screen when i first i cant see it or find it. i was trying to play with settings but i dont know what i did to make it disappear. under...
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    [28Jul09]NEW Manila 2D v20 build 19171723

    Re: Touchflo 2D CAB HERE (EXTRACTED VIDEO)[Diamond-like interface - very f is it possible to not make m2d close when you're using another program (internet, camera, texting..etc) m2d closes and i have to tap screen to reopen again.
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    ok i finally got to flash the radio via active sync. you'll need hard spl 1.20 olipro in order to flash radio 3.42.30 with the exe file. i know you guys promote flashing via microsd because it is faster but this would be good info for people that still flash with activesync. this will prevent...
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    ok its a kingston 2gb micro sd..on the bottom it says sdc/2gb. n0004-001.b00lf. doesnt say anywhere about sdhc.
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    I thought its been tested on a 2gig card and it works. could it also be the brand of the card?
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    ill try to find a smaller card..I lost my phone and sprint replaced it with a refurbished one with no microsd..those bastards.
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    ok i know its been mentioned many times and ive done all the steps correctly. im trying to upgrade my radio. this is what i did: format microsd card to fat32. (I have a kingston 2 gig) copy radio file named TITAIMG.nbh to microsd insert into phone hold power + camera button and use stylus and...
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    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    how is this rom compared to the build 420 take 3? smoother? i was reading in the take 3 enhanced thread and people are flashing back to the enhanced take 3 rom from take 5. how is memory and battery life from this rom?
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    HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE

    love the interface..but it doesnt work for me either. i have a mogul. =(
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    Spb Mobile Shell 2.1.1 Beta 3 (build 3500)

    is there a way to add/change the background picture?
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    Garmin Mobile XT for WindowsMobile V4.20.50wp

    thanks. you cant even register for demonoid anymore..says registration is closed unless i have an invitation code.