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  1. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    word, prob you gonna make touch pro compatible themes for touchflo 2.5 ??
  2. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    bc its the total opposite of every vb forum ive ever used
  3. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    wheres the mark as installed button, this forum is so confusing designer really went all out.
  4. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    has anyone tried out my dialer few posts back yet?? Im lookin for feedback
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    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    there should be an inet dating service where this is one the choices like nationality, hair color, weight, height, ppc addiction..
  6. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    add my new dialer a couple posts down lemme kno how you like it..just transfer all the files to /windows !!
  7. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    if ur talkin to me yea...thats wat I use
  8. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    For those using this theme from Probex I've made some changes to the dialer/incoming call screens.. If someone can help me with the white box in the landscape view around the end call button, that is the only thing I can't seem to get rid of.. below is a preview pic. I changed the dialer...
  9. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    probex pm me please
  10. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    can one of ops or whoever teach me real quick how to make an installer cab file b/c Im gonna add more files to the phone layout and want to make a cab that installs it instead individually uploading each image file, thanks
  11. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    Ok, I've created a moterate fix to the Probex incoming call screen (portrait) view.. Heres the before and after pics as you see no more black shadowing under the contact pic.. To acomplish this just copy the attached files and overwrite them in your /windows directory. Backup just incase...
  12. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    Install Instructions EDIT: DO THIS STEP ONLY IF YOU ARE RUNNING A STOCK SPRINT ROM. unzip the .zip file SPRINT Flip clock fix move the manila files from inside the folder to your device [excluding the folder called back up... this is a backup of the stock sprint files for you to revert back...
  13. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    yea sure, Ill make the dark blue bg next time I get a chance
  14. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    screens: ...............
  15. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    screens: ..........
  16. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    I created an iContact skin that somewhat matches the colors of this theme, screens below, shout to jrodizzkool01 who actually made the skin..I just changed the colors. to install just edit [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\iContact] "skin"="\\program...
  17. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    it doesnt enable itself, instead I checked the windows folder and it uses incomingcall.bmp which is the default but the probex file is incomingcall.png
  18. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    when someone is calling u..u get the default screen saying answer/ignore, etc..the background is white for me..I want to use probex blue background instead cuz the white is ugly
  19. B

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    how do I change the white (default) screen when someone is calling me and use your blue wall as the bg instead?
  20. B

    Whats UP

    i cant see ur sig, how do I view it