[FONT="]Welcome to the dark side bro! Trust me, everything you wanna know and then some is here on AMJ! Patience is key. Make sure u use the "Search" feature on this site when you have a ? We all have the same goals here, it's like a brotherhood. Just make sure you read and search before you post! Read, read read...then read some more. Most of your questions have been asked and answered before here on the site so search around, use different words if your search comes up short. We know how impatient it can be at times, be just know that this stuff takes time and some work on your part to learn it and understand what your doing. Welcome to the site bro. good luck! Get ready to ditch the girl, loose a lot of sleep, and have a sweet ass phone!! lol, j/k bro, but you get the point! Enjoy!!!! AMJ~4~LIFE!![/FONT]