[HTC-Diamond] [060209] SimpleROM CE OS 5221728 (Build 21728502


Owner - Staff
**Thanks to Ervirus, DogGuy, Bepe, DCD, no2chem, Cmonex, Juicy, Juggalo X, TobeyChris, Conflipper, ChainFire, MightyMike, ghettofreerider, Calcu, rstoyguy, briggs, OMJ, Merdin, XBoxMod, daryelv, War Axe, Kessler, JMZ, Da_G, hansk75, intx, watzone69, tsowen, Misfortune, da reeseboy, Cap'nChronic, and many others for making this ROM possible.**
Special thanks to Calcu for his kitchen and OEM base which was used to build this rom.

Update [060209]:
- Updated to CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2)

Update [051809]:
- Fixed Microsoft MyPhone

Update [051609]:
- Updated to OS/SYS 21232
- Added WM 6.5 Ringtones & Alerts
- Fixed Taskbar signal strength indicator
(Native WM 6.5 signal strength icons)







Want more Keyboard skins?? Download and install the attached cab below.

Device may require a soft-reset before changing skins.

SimpleROM is Sashimi compliant

All of your cabs, xml files, and more can be autoinstalled on first boot.
Simply download the attached Sashimi installer, and install to internal storage.
Then add your .cab files to the \Internal Storage\SASHIMI\Auto\Cab folder,
and they will be automatically installed on 2nd boot.

Click here to download Sashimi
Click here for more info about Sashimi


This is a Sprint specific ROM.
(But is likely to work fine with any carrier).


**Device must be unlocked (click here to unlock).
I take no responsibility if you mess up your phone.**

**It is highly recommended to flash to the Stock Sprint ROM before flashing to SimpleROM.**

Download SimpleROM:


App. Name                               Version
AdobePDF                                2_5_1_0_378273_00B
ArcsoftMMS                              5_0_82_79R1
ZIP                                     1_21_18193225_0
LongPressEndKey                         1_2_19134026_00
NetworkPlugin                           1_0_30468_1
TaskManager                             2_1_37655_1
SprintDM_GUILib                         2_0_18174022_0
Teeter                                  1_4_18201925_0
FMRadio                                 1_6_18174024_1
VoiceRecorder                           1_10_19123431_0
YouTube                                 1_6_1822_2028
HTCUtil                                 4_3_0_0
FingerKeyb                              2_1_408
AutoRun                                 4_31_3_0
AutoShortcut                            1_1_2_0
BootLauncher                            1_0_37394_1
BTBPP                                   1_7_1_R3
BTFTP                                   1_2_33309_91
Camera                                  6_02_32964_00
ConcurrenceMgr                          1_5_1911_1625
DShow                                   2_00_19131310_0
FullScreenPlayer                        1_7_19133625_01
GSensorCalibrator                       1_0_18192126_0
AdvancedPowerManagement                 1_5_18193426
HTCGesture                              1_0_32356_0
HTCScroll                               1_0_19113219_0
LockStreamDRM                           1_1_081216_O9_05
mHub                                    6_57_080529_E0
mHubVO                                  1_71_090331_X0
PictureEnhancement                      1_50_19121428_00
ResourceProxy                           1_0_19132627_00
RingtonePlugin                          1_00_080624_2
SensorSDK                               3_3_18192831_1
SharedModules                           1_01_19131231_00
SmartTouch                              1_0_32417_1
HTCAnimation                            1_1_5_999
StreamingMedia                          3_1_19141226_00
StreamingSDK                            2_7_19132219_00
USBtoPC_exe                             1_21_0_0
TitaniumCustomizer                      xxx
Battery Monitor                         1_3_0_0
PHM Registry Editor                     0_70
Pocket RAR                              3_8
psShutXP for Power Button               xxx
Battery Rapid Charge                    xxx
GSPlayer_ppc                            xxx
Adobe Flash 3.1                         3_1
Mortscript                              xxx
Opera Browser                           9_50_15613
PocketVideoPoker                        0_4_Beta 
Black Calculator Skin                   xxx
Sprint Comm Manager Skin                xxx
Titanium Weather                        4_1
psShutXP for Power Button               xxx
Toggle Hybrid 1X/EV                     xxx
Registry Tweaks                         xxx
BluetoothIconNotifier                   xxx

If you want to reskin the WM default dialer back to stock or to match your theme, look here:

If you want a Black Dialer skin, look here:

**Note: wm6.5 S2A only works when device is in lock mode.
To make device auto-lock when pressing the power button, see here:

Go here for a cab that will restore the start menu to three columns instead of four:



Last edited by a moderator:
Re: [060209] SimpleROM -- CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2)

SimpleROM OEM Base:


**Note: dnsapi.dll is not in my OEM base, as it has been appearing in the new wm6.5 sys builds. If you are using a sys other than one released by me, you should make sure that your sys included that dll. If it doesn't, extract the attached dll to your OEMdrivers folder.


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Re: [060209] SimpleROM -- CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2)

Update [051809]:
- Fixed Microsoft MyPhone

Update [051409]:
- Updated to OS/SYS 21231
- Titanium Weather updated to v4.2
- Titanium Customizer removed
- Chome Editor 1.6 added
- HTC ZIP removed
- PocketRAR added


 [IMG]http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/7466/screen02vjv.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/173/screen01o.png[/IMG]

  [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen01-28.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen02-20.png[/IMG] 

[IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen03-15.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen07-9.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen08-12.png[/IMG]

  [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen03-17.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen10-5.png[/IMG]

[IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen02-17.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/indagroove/Screen03-16.png[/IMG]           

SimpleROM is Sashimi compliant
All of your cabs, xml files, and more can be autoinstalled on first boot. 
 Simply download the attached Sashimi installer, and install to internal storage.  
Then add your .cab files to the \Internal Storage\SASHIMI\Auto\Cab folder, 
and they will be automatically installed on 2nd boot. 

  [URL="http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24580&stc=1&d=1235464807"]Click here to download Sashimi[/URL]
[URL="http://www.winmo-experts.com/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=c1f73a64d6cf974538cc67db3dba6e7d"]Click here for more info about Sashimi[/URL]  

    This is a Sprint specific ROM. 
(But is likely to work fine with any carrier).


 [URL="http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=36062"]**Device must be unlocked (click here to unlock).[/URL]
[URL="http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=36062"]I take no responsibility if you mess up your phone.**[/URL]
**It is highly recommended to flash to the [URL="ftp://ppcgeeks.com/Diamond/Stock%20ROMs/Sprint_Shipped.rar"]Stock Sprint ROM[/URL] before flashing to SimpleROM.** ------------------------------------------------

 Download SimpleROM: 


    [CENTER]     Code:
     App. Name                               Version
AdobePDF                                2_5_1_0_378273_00B
ArcsoftMMS                              5_0_82_79R1
ZIP                                     1_21_18193225_0
LongPressEndKey                         1_2_19134026_00
NetworkPlugin                           1_0_30468_1
TaskManager                             2_1_37655_1
SprintDM_GUILib                         2_0_18174022_0
Teeter                                  1_4_18201925_0
FMRadio                                 1_6_18174024_1
VoiceRecorder                           1_10_19123431_0
YouTube                                 1_6_1822_2028
HTCUtil                                 4_3_0_0
FingerKeyb                              2_1_408
AutoRun                                 4_31_3_0
AutoShortcut                            1_1_2_0
BootLauncher                            1_0_37394_1
BTBPP                                   1_7_1_R3
BTFTP                                   1_2_33309_91
Camera                                  6_02_32964_00
ConcurrenceMgr                          1_5_1911_1625
DShow                                   2_00_19131310_0
FullScreenPlayer                        1_7_19133625_01
GSensorCalibrator                       1_0_18192126_0
AdvancedPowerManagement                 1_5_18193426
HTCGesture                              1_0_32356_0
HTCScroll                               1_0_19113219_0
LockStreamDRM                           1_1_081216_O9_05
mHub                                    6_57_080529_E0
mHubVO                                  1_71_090331_X0
PictureEnhancement                      1_50_19121428_00
ResourceProxy                           1_0_19132627_00
RingtonePlugin                          1_00_080624_2
SensorSDK                               3_3_18192831_1
SharedModules                           1_01_19131231_00
SmartTouch                              1_0_32417_1
HTCAnimation                            1_1_5_999
StreamingMedia                          3_1_19141226_00
StreamingSDK                            2_7_19132219_00
USBtoPC_exe                             1_21_0_0
TitaniumCustomizer                      xxx
Battery Monitor                         1_3_0_0
PHM Registry Editor                     0_70
Pocket RAR                              3_8
psShutXP for Power Button               xxx
Battery Rapid Charge                    xxx
GSPlayer_ppc                            xxx
Adobe Flash 3.1                         3_1
Mortscript                              xxx
Opera Browser                           9_50_15613
PocketVideoPoker                        0_4_Beta 
Black Calculator Skin                   xxx
Sprint Comm Manager Skin                xxx
Titanium Weather                        4_1
psShutXP for Power Button               xxx
Toggle Hybrid 1X/EV                     xxx
Registry Tweaks                         xxx
BluetoothIconNotifier                   xxx 
Update [050609]:
Added Office (accidentally omitted from 050509)

Update [050509]:
Updated to OS/SYS 21222
Windows Marketplace added
Upgraded Showaco Titanium Weather to v.4.1
Added Opera Favorites Titanium tab
Added Bluetooth Icon Notifier
LZX Compression omitted from build
Re [060209] SimpleROM CE OS 5221728 (Build 21728502

Thank you, been looking for this.

I hope this rom is compatible with your phone....lol your profile shows u having a diamond check first i think this a touch pro rom...correct me if im wrong...if wrong just hit the installed...thnxs
Re Re [060209] SimpleROM CE OS 5221728 (Build 21728502

I hope this rom is compatible with your phone....lol your profile shows u having a diamond check first i think this a touch pro rom...correct me if im wrong...if wrong just hit the installed...thnxs

Naw you are good this rom is for the Diamond. Let us know how you like the rom!!! Fixed it so people will know now
Re [060209] SimpleROM CE OS 5221728 (Build 21728502

This SimpleROM works flawlessly on the CDMA HTC Touch Diamond from Sprint, I'm pretty sure the creator made it purely for sprint users... I've hunted him down and he is no longer releasing this ROM and all download links are dead except the one here; this ROM is endangered of being no more.

I will add mirrors soon. Thank you very much for this once again it's really wicked with Microsoft Voice Command and Tellme, you need to apply some reg fixes to make it announce incoming callers though. (hxxp://tinyurl.com/ybzk7rx). But this ROM rocks, runs quick and fast, no bugs I can find except adding iexplore.exe to the fingerkyb in the reg so it will work in IE.

Anywho I recommend everyone here who uses this ROM to install the following for major awesomeness:

Microsoft Voice Command 6.1.X
Tellme (TellmeInstallClient.exe)
CLauncher 0.25
Advanced Configuration Tool 3.3

--------- New Post Merged on 5/11/2009 at 03:09:02 --------

SimpleROM - HTC Touch Diamond CDMA Sprint

I give it life, a lot of mirrors:

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you think titanium is good? i always have problems with it... the favorites on the bottom always comes out wrong and always the pictures always show the pics on my phone instead of my internal memory.. I haven't messed with titanium much but i'll give it a try.. hopefully it's better.. i like tf3d because of the fact that the tabs are right there ya know.. idk.. will check this out later.. thanks!!!
Re [060209] SimpleROM CE OS 5221728 (Build 21728502

you think titanium is good? i always have problems with it... the favorites on the bottom always comes out wrong and always the pictures always show the pics on my phone instead of my internal memory.. I haven't messed with titanium much but i'll give it a try.. hopefully it's better.. i like tf3d because of the fact that the tabs are right there ya know.. idk.. will check this out later.. thanks!!!

I think that Titanium is great , I use it all the time does everything i need. Until i feel like have my phone really cool so go with something you customize a bunch !!!!!