[HTC-PRO] 10/2 SsS-ROMv0402 WM65(21864.5.0.81) Rhodium Manila2.1 EzInput2.1

Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

no man i just flashed to the new v0204 n i don have any thing on my fone.... all i have done so far is ran the selboriyorker backup... but i don have any other dialer, or contact manager..... and even after flshing to the new version it still does that.... even if i dial anyone from my contact list it still says unknown.... its getting annoying now man......

I have that problem but doesn't bother me at all since it only happens when i hang up, it says Unknown, save new contact?, I just press the End button and problem solved lol.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

so i should just try to run the contact backup only after a hard reset... is that what u'd suggest... not to do the full backup.....

--------- New Post Merged on 21/7/2009 at 08:57:43 --------

I have that problem but doesn't bother me at all since it only happens when i hang up, it says Unknown, save new contact?, I just press the End button and problem solved lol.

no man it does that on mine everytime even when i receive a call.. it always says unknown.... but it never asked me to save or not..... im gonna try what dash told me n i will let u know...
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Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

so i should just try to run the contact backup only after a hard reset... is that what u'd suggest... not to do the full backup.....

--------- New Post Merged on 21/7/2009 at 08:57:43 --------

no man it does that on mine everytime even when i receive a call.. it always says unknown.... but it never asked me to save or not..... im gonna try what dash told me n i will let u know...

are you using s2u2 by any chance? it did that with me too if i had the caller id turned on it s2u2 settings.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

does anybody know which keyboard was that, that was on the v0203 ??? i mean the onscreen default keboard thats not there anymore on the new v0204..... i luved that keyboard... looked around but nothing looks similar to that.... any help....
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

can i ask u why ?? just curious u know about what u use.........

spiratic battery life from day to day and no single day was really good even, random freezups, lagginess randomly also, others were having same troubles with build and jsut not gonna go back to it.... dont use messenge (aim) sothat turns me off to.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

spiratic battery life from day to day and no single day was really good even, random freezups, lagginess randomly also, others were having same troubles with build and jsut not gonna go back to it.... dont use messenge (aim) sothat turns me off to.

do u suggest any other rom man ??? i am having all those problems too.... which rom do u use for ur touch pro ????
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

D/\SH said:
spiratic battery life from day to day and no single day was really good even, random freezups, lagginess randomly also

Battery life is not the best, but I can live with it

NFSFAN rom is what im running currently on my pro and love it.

I would give it a shot, but it doesn't have TF3D2. :(

overall i'd have to recommend everyone stay with v203.

v204 doesn't have quick gps or has the quick gps bug which denies access to the gps updates and i never received any gps signals. not that i use the gps programs frequently. but i was on the far side of the county i live in and needed to use google maps ASAP and i was running v206 beta, and no gps. which caused me to drop 4 letter words rather quickly and for at least 5 minutes. v204 has the quickgps bug as well and you might not be albe to use the gps on your phone.

needless to say i flashed back to v203 as soon as i could.

on a personal note, i like TF3D2. it meets my needs for quick access to my phone and programs, plus the facebook integration is really growing on me. maybe one day dash will add me as a friend.....................yea..................

i've tried titanium as well but ehh.......it's like ford vs chevy.

if i was to only run titanium i'd run MR6, as the battery life ROCKS!!!
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Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

That's weird bc it works fine in my phone(running v0204 standard)

i never got it to work. first "bug" I've had in a while. Some other users @ ppcgeeks get the same error.......

--------- New Post Merged on 23/7/2009 at 01:06:20 --------

oh and i forgot about the manilla calender bug.

aftera short time of use, if you try to add a new appointment in the manilla calender tab or try to edit an appointment you could not as no app was launched.

a soft rest fixes the issue, but if you are in a hurry, like i always seem to be, it takes too long and is frustrating.
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Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

Battery life is not the best, but I can live with it

I would give it a shot, but it doesn't have TF3D2. :(

overall i'd have to recommend everyone stay with v203.

v204 doesn't have quick gps or has the quick gps bug which denies access to the gps updates and i never received any gps signals. not that i use the gps programs frequently. but i was on the far side of the county i live in and needed to use google maps ASAP and i was running v206 beta, and no gps. which caused me to drop 4 letter words rather quickly and for at least 5 minutes. v204 has the quickgps bug as well and you might not be albe to use the gps on your phone.

needless to say i flashed back to v203 as soon as i could.

on a personal note, i like TF3D2. it meets my needs for quick access to my phone and programs, plus the facebook integration is really growing on me. maybe one day dash will add me as a friend.....................yea..................

i've tried titanium as well but ehh.......it's like ford vs chevy.

if i was to only run titanium i'd run MR6, as the battery life ROCKS!!!

u mean nfsfan does not have tf3d2 ???? it does have titanium + tf3d2 with wm 6.5
im running it on mine bro n its super good so far....
n also i never had any problem with quick gps or telenav on this rom either.......
Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzIn

nfsfan has touchflo3d2 the first version was the only one without it.
Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzIn

hey, so i've been having a lotta problems with this version and wanted to know if there was a link to the previous version. it would help me out a lot. Thanks if u can. cool if u cant.