[HTC-PRO] 10/2 SsS-ROMv0402 WM65(21864.5.0.81) Rhodium Manila2.1 EzInput2.1

Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

I am in need of some help..and I know that I'm not crazy..my touch pro is "unlocked" and I can not flash to this rom. it gives me the error 204 code. please help..thanks

error 204 means your device isnt connected to activesync correctly, you either need to soft reset or try a different cable or make sure its just connected right... good luck
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

does it need to be activesync 6.5...i am currently running 6.1

no you should have Activesync 4.5 if you have xp, because that is the latest, or if you have vista you should be running WM Device Center. Either way your phone should be connected just like you were to sync it, then run the Custom_RUU.exe that came with the ROM and it should find your phones current rom and you just click Update. You should be good. If all else fails just put the phone into the bootloader and flash while its in boot loader mode.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

thanks dude, but this isn't working for me..i appreciate your help..by the way, i am using windows mobile..running vista
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

thanks dude, but this isn't working for me..i appreciate your help..by the way, i am using windows mobile..running vista

Alright, i really shouldnt be helpin ya how to flash in this thread, these questions should be in a new thread by themselves; however i copied this excerpt from one of D/\SH's posts on how to flash roms... you should try flashing from SD card instead if you are having connectivity issues, here's how... in the future please reference Dash's flashing guides, they can be found in his signature.


Flash from microSD Card (Thanks to MadlyAlive):

1. Make sure you backup anything that is necessary to your day to day operations! At a minimum, please perform an ActiveSync to Outlook or your Exchange server prior to flashing!
2. Rename the custom ROM NBH file from RUU_Signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh
3. Copy RAPHIMG.nbh to the root of your microSD Card.
4. Hold the Volume Down and Power button simultaneously. While you're still holding those 2 buttons, press the reset button with your stylus.
5. When your Touch Pro tells you to do so, press the power button to begin the flash process. If you do not get the message to press the power button to flash, there is a mistake in the name of the NBH file or you do not have the file at the root of your microSD card.
6. When flashing is complete, perform a soft reset.

Good luck,,,
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

thanks dude, but this isn't working for me..i appreciate your help..by the way, i am using windows mobile..running vista

You can Flash with out using Windows Mobile as long as you see the your Device when you open up My Computer you can flash your phone. I do it all the time on my mom's laptop her doesnt have Windows Mobile Center and I flash just fine with out it. Or do like Venum post an flash threw SD Card.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Ok i had a MAJOR problem. I tweeked the new rom and when i did a soft reset, the phone frooze at the initial screen. It would not go past the screen. which is another issue in it's self since i was not at home and out to dinner 50 miles away from home waiting for the group i was eating with to arrive.

long story short i noticed i had d/led the v117 not v117u. so i assume any custumization was BAD for the v117. anyway I'm limped to a friends house and saw new links for v117u and d/led it. i flashed the phone and for the last 45 minutes or so everything is fine.

so i would have to say if anyone is having similar issues as me to make sure you have the lasest rom from the rapidshare link.

the one from rapidshare thats at the top in the first post is the one i had downloaded is that the 177u or 117 cause i cant find the difference..
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

I've been running this overnight and I must say, I am very impressed with this ROM!. My rookie experience with WM 6.5 has been awesome! Everything is so smooth and my battery life has improved dramatically. Thanks to all those involved in the making of this bad boy! I highly recommend it. My only 2 probs that I am experiencing are: 1. I am using the Classic Blue theme and it is in the background but when I go back to TF3D2 home it's just black. Occasionally the top bar with the icons will go to the theme but mostly it stays black. 2. I cant get my GPS to work. Ive used adv config and enabled AGPS, Ive changed the external gps to com0 as seen in other posts. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I give this ROM a 9 out of 10. Superb!
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

I've been running this overnight and I must say, I am very impressed with this ROM!. My rookie experience with WM 6.5 has been awesome! Everything is so smooth and my battery life has improved dramatically. Thanks to all those involved in the making of this bad boy! I highly recommend it. My only 2 probs that I am experiencing are: 1. I am using the Classic Blue theme and it is in the background but when I go back to TF3D2 home it's just black. Occasionally the top bar with the icons will go to the theme but mostly it stays black. 2. I cant get my GPS to work. Ive used adv config and enabled AGPS, Ive changed the external gps to com0 as seen in other posts. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I give this ROM a 9 out of 10. Superb!

To set the background for TF3D-2 you have to scroll through TF3D-2 untill you find SETTINGS, then click on Wallpaper and from there you can look for the background you want to set, im not sure in what folder are the stock backgrounds located.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

I love this rom but i need some help. When i soft reset I get a black square in the taskbar where i think the volume icon is supposed to be. Also if I connect my phone to my pc I get some error that says cannot open connection 57600 default. Anyway to fix this?
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

I love this rom but i need some help. When i soft reset I get a black square in the taskbar where i think the volume icon is supposed to be. Also if I connect my phone to my pc I get some error that says cannot open connection 57600 default. Anyway to fix this?

after you flashed the rom did you hard reset the phone?
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

the one from rapidshare thats at the top in the first post is the one i had downloaded is that the 177u or 117 cause i cant find the difference..

I ended up getting v117u from ppcgeeks.

Ok. after a night of tweeking, i noted my battery life has gone out the window. meaning my battery life went faster than virgins at prom night. My battery was at 55% last night after reflash arround 8pm. this morning at 930am the battery was at 18% sitting idle with only galarm set for an alarm at 930am. i put the phone on the charger for about 45 minutes.

later in the day, around noon and after one hour of use, which consisted of two quick phone calls and deleting four emails on gmail via opera, my battery life went from 96% to 79%. a short time later, i was on opera and tried to turn off my data connection. there was a glitch and the phone froze again and eventually, after i took the battery out twice, the phone hardreset.

i'm about to give up and go to something else. its a shame really since i like this rom A LOT and when it's working it kicks a$$ with no other rom even close to the speed, touchflo3d2, etc. but for some reason something on my phone has crapped out. i've flashed back to stock and i'm reflashing one more time.

so deck can see if it's something i'm doing (which is more likely the problem) or overinstalling programs, here what i'm doing.

after reflash, i moved all my saved data back to the phone,

i moved saved ringtones, for contacts, to the windows/rings folder.
i moved saved google maps cache to application data/google maps
i moved my i.e. favorites to windows/favorites.
i registerd resco explorer
i installed thumbcal to the phone dir, without setting it as default calander or default task

i installed galarm 2.0.3, without registering it
i installed resco photoviewer and resco registry to the phone dir without registering either of them

i launched photoviewer and set the program as default photoviewer.

i ran opera and had to manually set my favorites again, which was lost once again.

lastly i ran my pim backup via selboriyorker backup.

again, i hope it's something i'm doing during the tweeking process. if so i can at least, knock that $h*t off.

i'm almost done with my reflash back to stock, and i'm reflashing to this rom with only installing my pim data and galarm.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

I guess Im not the only one with battery problems......lol........but in my case it discharges a bit faster when using the phone for w/e, ovenight doesn't discharge at all.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

I guess Im not the only one with battery problems......lol........but in my case it discharges a bit faster when using the phone for w/e, ovenight doesn't discharge at all.

same here in a way, use = mad battery drain. like one text = 1% of battery.

also i should have mentioned above i'm running radio v1.03.15F

I'm looking at running 1.11.00 as mentioned by Big Jew eariler.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

same here in a way, use = mad battery drain. like one text = 1% of battery.

also i should have mentioned above i'm running radio v1.03.15F

I'm looking at running 1.11.00 as mentioned by Big Jew eariler.

huh dont have that bad but trying out star rom and will have my review today... also mobile shell is known to drain battery fastrer than some other plugins so keep that i mind if using mobile shell.