Re: RELEASED [ROM][KITCHEN] Juicy Rhodium_W R0 [SENSE UI][XDA_UC Compliant]
you would need to be unlocked of course and than rename the nbh file to RHODIMG.nbh and than manual bootloader mode and follow the steps.
Is it possible to download as is and flash to an sd card? I wasn't sure if I needed to extract it first or just use the file as is. If I do have to extract it, PocketRar doesn't recognize it. I know it's a noob questionand for the record, I did do a search but nothing came up....
never flashed from sd b4 (im at work) so if i need to post elsewhere, let me know.
you would need to be unlocked of course and than rename the nbh file to RHODIMG.nbh and than manual bootloader mode and follow the steps.