Hi guys,
This is a happy day today for all of us QVGA users as new version of Manila have been leaked. Youhouuu!!!
The great thing with this Manila version is that it comes from HTC Mega (which is not even officially announced yet
) and has native QVGA screen resolution so there is no need for porting or resizing of application.
Big thanks goes to Da_G who made this available to all of us (I still wonder how you did that
). For more HTC Mega packages look here
Originally Da_G posted Mega packages for cookers so they can cook into Roms. I just made a quick cab so anyone can benefit and try out before your favorite cookers will release new Roms. Making cabs still takes some time so I'll add other Mega cabs later
It is released as is, so it may or may not work on your device
Currently in testing phase ....
- it has new folderview (bugless finally), works flawlesly, also All settings soft key now is working properly with WM6.5.
- it uses a little less RAM (about 15% less)
- it does not include anymore footprints widget (there are all settings in xml file, but no bitmaps. Maybe copying pngs from older version it may work. The same for TV widget)
- there is new Sound Control canvas in settings tab
- there is new Mail Setup canvas in settings tab (needs Email Setup Wizard and New Mail Account cabs to work, link below)
In general there is no big difference between previous version and this, just some bug and compatibility fixes. In my opinion the biggest change is HTC new approach to finger friendly menus, settings and applications in tight integration with Manila. The rest you can see in screenshoots.
- original version works only on WM6.5. I included patched version which should work with other phones and WM6.1 (thanks to mbarvian)
- this is only WWE version, it won't work correctly with other languages.
- if you had any previous version of Manila, don't forget to uninstall it and do soft reset before installing this version. Also keep in mind that it will keep your personal settings, like people tab photos, weather cities or launcher number of rows/clomuns.
- there are no anymore Footprints or TVwidget tab, by enabling those Manila won't start.
- Manila customizer theme manager won't work properly also change internet browser won't work
- to set Opera as default browser in Manila you need to change following registry settings:
As I already told this version of Manila is very tightly integrated into HTC Mega package and it is almost impossible to have clean standalone version. Nevertheless it is possible to run it with minimum requirements without problems, so don't expect to work every single function and module. Also this version is designed for WM6.5 and it will not work flawlessly with WM6.1. You can use patched version included here, but many modules will not work.
To run Manila with base functionality you will need to install these cabs:
(you will have running Manila with basic tabs working. Obviously Album, Audio Manager and Settings tabs won't work or work partly, but it gives aproximate idea ans feeling about this Manila version)
... and for a little more functionality a little more cabs:
(if all cabs are installed successfully you will have fully functional Manila. In case something does not work for you try SDK signed cabs in link below)
... and even more:
PATCHED MANILA FOR WM6.1 - P.S. many functions and modules may not work. It uses old Manila exe with new Manila face.
If original Notification Enhancements or some other system cabs does not work for you try SDK signed cabs from link below:
Change The Weather City Or Add Your Own:
What you need:
1) HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml file. I have attached one below which you can use, or alternatively you can copy the one from the your /windows folder.
2) If you don't have the version which is already patched then you will need the N2A patched file attached below as well.
Here are the steps:
1) Open HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml using Notepad.
2) You will see many cities listed like this:
<city name="Anchorage, US" loca="NAM|US|AK|ANCHORAGE " land="United States " /> (original)
<city name="Ketchikan, AK" loca="NAM|US|AK|KETCHIKAN" land="United States" /> (copied and edited)
Simply copy one of the cities from your country, or state and then edit the city information. You will notice in the example above i have changed "Anchorage, US" to "Ketchikan, AK" as this is just what will display on the screen. The section marked loca=con"CONTINENT|COUNTRY|STATE|CITY" must be typed in correctly or else you will not get any data.
3) Repeate step 2 for as many cities as you would like to add.
4) Disable touchflo on the today screen
5) Copy Manila2D.exe (if you are not using the version already patched), and your newly edited HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml file to the /windows folder.
6) Enable touchflo on the today screen again.
7) Go to weather and add new city, the new cities should be available to you. I would remove any old cities you had before as well.
Hi guys,
This is a happy day today for all of us QVGA users as new version of Manila have been leaked. Youhouuu!!!
The great thing with this Manila version is that it comes from HTC Mega (which is not even officially announced yet

Big thanks goes to Da_G who made this available to all of us (I still wonder how you did that

Originally Da_G posted Mega packages for cookers so they can cook into Roms. I just made a quick cab so anyone can benefit and try out before your favorite cookers will release new Roms. Making cabs still takes some time so I'll add other Mega cabs later
It is released as is, so it may or may not work on your device
Currently in testing phase ....
- it has new folderview (bugless finally), works flawlesly, also All settings soft key now is working properly with WM6.5.
- it uses a little less RAM (about 15% less)
- it does not include anymore footprints widget (there are all settings in xml file, but no bitmaps. Maybe copying pngs from older version it may work. The same for TV widget)
- there is new Sound Control canvas in settings tab
- there is new Mail Setup canvas in settings tab (needs Email Setup Wizard and New Mail Account cabs to work, link below)
In general there is no big difference between previous version and this, just some bug and compatibility fixes. In my opinion the biggest change is HTC new approach to finger friendly menus, settings and applications in tight integration with Manila. The rest you can see in screenshoots.
- original version works only on WM6.5. I included patched version which should work with other phones and WM6.1 (thanks to mbarvian)
- this is only WWE version, it won't work correctly with other languages.
- if you had any previous version of Manila, don't forget to uninstall it and do soft reset before installing this version. Also keep in mind that it will keep your personal settings, like people tab photos, weather cities or launcher number of rows/clomuns.
- there are no anymore Footprints or TVwidget tab, by enabling those Manila won't start.
- Manila customizer theme manager won't work properly also change internet browser won't work
- to set Opera as default browser in Manila you need to change following registry settings:
"OperaEXEFile"=<Path to Opera>
"OperaEXEFile"=<Path to Opera>

As I already told this version of Manila is very tightly integrated into HTC Mega package and it is almost impossible to have clean standalone version. Nevertheless it is possible to run it with minimum requirements without problems, so don't expect to work every single function and module. Also this version is designed for WM6.5 and it will not work flawlessly with WM6.1. You can use patched version included here, but many modules will not work.
To run Manila with base functionality you will need to install these cabs:
(you will have running Manila with basic tabs working. Obviously Album, Audio Manager and Settings tabs won't work or work partly, but it gives aproximate idea ans feeling about this Manila version)
- [WM6.5] Manila 2D v2.0 build 19171723 Original version:
[*]HTC Scroll 2.0.19171128.00.cab:
[*]HTC Shared Modules 1.01.19143331.01.cab:
[*]HTC Framework 1.1.19164030.00.cab:
[*]HTC DRM Middleware 1.5.19142824.00.cab:
[*]HTC HTCAnimation
... and for a little more functionality a little more cabs:
(if all cabs are installed successfully you will have fully functional Manila. In case something does not work for you try SDK signed cabs in link below)
- HTC Album 3.0.19171631.0.cab - can't rotate images (what is not a bug, but normal functionality) and videos in album does not play. To zoom photos use double tap.
- HTC Full Screen Player 1.7.19164025.00.cab - will be needed to playback videos in album, but currently it does not work. For now its just optional cab for testing.
- HTC Audio Manager 2.2.19171227.WAlien.cab:
- HTC Audio Booster 2.5.19171231.0.cab:
- HTC DShow 2.0.19143026.WAlien.cab - must have recompiled it so now it includes HTCADXRenderV.dll with no overwrite flag.
- HTC Resource Proxy 1.0.19132627.00.cab- must have.
- HTC Media Tool kit 1.0.19171631.00.cab- must have.
- HTC CommManager
... and even more:
- ]HTC Phone Canvas 2G.3.0.1917.1620.cab:
- HTC Camera 6.29.19171321.01.cab - camera does not have autofocus, can not zoom, has permanent zoom in when taking photos
- HTC NewMailAccount
- HTC Email Setup Wizard 2.1.19171632.00.cab
- HTC YouTube 2.6.19171628.WAlien.cab
- SDK CMPhone
- SDK CMBandSwitching
- SDK CMBluetooth
- HTC WiFi Wizard
- HTC PowerOffWarning
PATCHED MANILA FOR WM6.1 - P.S. many functions and modules may not work. It uses old Manila exe with new Manila face.
- [WM6.1] Manila 2D v2.0 build 19171723 patched by mbarvian
If original Notification Enhancements or some other system cabs does not work for you try SDK signed cabs from link below:
Change The Weather City Or Add Your Own:
What you need:
1) HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml file. I have attached one below which you can use, or alternatively you can copy the one from the your /windows folder.
2) If you don't have the version which is already patched then you will need the N2A patched file attached below as well.
Here are the steps:
1) Open HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml using Notepad.
2) You will see many cities listed like this:
<city name="Anchorage, US" loca="NAM|US|AK|ANCHORAGE " land="United States " /> (original)
<city name="Ketchikan, AK" loca="NAM|US|AK|KETCHIKAN" land="United States" /> (copied and edited)
Simply copy one of the cities from your country, or state and then edit the city information. You will notice in the example above i have changed "Anchorage, US" to "Ketchikan, AK" as this is just what will display on the screen. The section marked loca=con"CONTINENT|COUNTRY|STATE|CITY" must be typed in correctly or else you will not get any data.
3) Repeate step 2 for as many cities as you would like to add.
4) Disable touchflo on the today screen
5) Copy Manila2D.exe (if you are not using the version already patched), and your newly edited HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml file to the /windows folder.
6) Enable touchflo on the today screen again.
7) Go to weather and add new city, the new cities should be available to you. I would remove any old cities you had before as well.
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