[28Jul09]NEW Manila 2D v20 build 19171723

Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

hey guys, i have a question. my wife just got a treo 800, and it windows 6.1. the layout is exactly like my old mogul. can this work on that phone? or is this for htc only? thanks....
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

hey guys, i have a question. my wife just got a treo 800, and it windows 6.1. the layout is exactly like my old mogul. can this work on that phone? or is this for htc only? thanks....

i know you can but you have to edit the ddl if im not mistaking to size for the treos resolution.
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

Question: have there been any skins made or updated yet that include the footprint app? Thanks
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

Hopefully the newest version will work for me, I've been trying to install another on my Mogul and it keeps throwing my phone into safe mode loop boot(where even safe mode wont boot)... IDK what I've been doing wrong or if one of the cab's is corrupted or what..
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

hey AMJ dudes ok i got the touch flo2d to work on my touch (alltel) i went here
and it gives step by step instructions. i have two (2) questions

1) when i try to open a youtube hyperlink i get this message: the operal. cannot be opened, yada yada yada i want it to open like before in IE, any suggestions

2) does the IOLITE m2d replace all the cabs in this
package. or do i run the ones in IOLITE along with the others.

hope i explained clearly.
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Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

hey AMJ dudes ok i got the touch flo2d to work on my touch (alltel) i went here http://www.1800pocketpc.com/2008/09/18/tutorial-how-to-install-touchflo-2d.html
and it gives step by step instructions. i have two (2) questions

1) when i try to open a youtube hyperlink i get this message: the operal. cannot be opened, yada yada yada i want it to open like before in IE, any suggestions

2) does the IOLITE m2d replace all the cabs in this http://www.1800pocketpc.com/2008/09/18/tutorial-how-to-install-touchflo-2d.html package. or do i run the ones in IOLITE along with the others.

hope i explained clearly.

please put your links in codes
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

the newest update is giving me a problem...every like 20 seconds itll do a quick flash liek im turning my wifi on... very strange...any ideas?
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

I just got the epix and I know that this wont work on it due to the screen dimensions (320 x 320). I saw on another website that they were making it work though. My question is, if I install these update 22 files on my epix, and I want it to fit, do I just have to edit the HTCHomeSettings.xml file for the dimensions on my phone? Or is it more complicated than that? Thanks.
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

I just got the epix and I know that this wont work on it due to the screen dimensions (320 x 320). I saw on another website that they were making it work though. My question is, if I install these update 22 files on my epix, and I want it to fit, do I just have to edit the HTCHomeSettings.xml file for the dimensions on my phone? Or is it more complicated than that? Thanks.

yes im pretty sure i remmeber mike saying somewhere in this thread that ll you would have to do is edit that file.... not sure myself so i would wait for him or someone else to give you a definitive answer.
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

yes im pretty sure i remmeber mike saying somewhere in this thread that ll you would have to do is edit that file.... not sure myself so i would wait for him or someone else to give you a definitive answer.

ill check, and edit this post when i see something

EDIT: here ya go
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Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

Good lookin out Mike. So all I have to do is replace that XML file from update 22 with the one from that link and im straight? If thats the case I can probably figure out the whole footprints thing and add it in.
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

Good lookin out Mike. So all I have to do is replace that XML file from update 22 with the one from that link and im straight? If thats the case I can probably figure out the whole footprints thing and add it in.

not sure actually, it was created before the footprints version was released
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

ok i downloaded touchflo2d update 22 but now i'm not sure what i need to do next. i've been seaching for a guide how i can install this into my htc touch but can't find anything looks like it seems common sense or something...i'm a noob anyone want to help me out
Re: [Jan 31] Touchflo2D Update 22 HTC Iolite Version [HTC Footprints Includ

ok i downloaded touchflo2d update 22 but now i'm not sure what i need to do next. i've been seaching for a guide how i can install this into my htc touch but can't find anything looks like it seems common sense or something...i'm a noob anyone want to help me out
this is actually not the newest version of touchflo2d, if you give me a minute i will update the first post with the newest build then bump the thread so you see it.

--------- New Post Merged on 13/8/2009 at 02:13:23 --------

updated first post with newest version.

For it to work you only need the cabs from the list "manila base", but for the best functionality grab the ones from "manila +" and don't bother with the ones under "manila ++"
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