A Fyi Bout D/\sh


Owner - Staff
im thinking very hard about relinquishing my position here at AMJ and let the staff take over my spot since i know they will do a great job since they have learned from me the best. im just getting sick and tired and quite frankly stressed about all the repeat questions, private messages and all that jazz. it clearly states not to email pm or im for support and people still do over 150 times a day to me just through pm. and than people dont read and repeating myself over and over gets tiring, stressful, and very annoying........ so unless i change my mind im MOST LIKELY gonna relinquish my spot and wish YOU, MY FAMILY the best but i will report back tomorrow with my final answer....... i just need some help to keep this place running and all with the questions, apps, games, and much much more..... so if i can get that i will stay and all and i wish the members would search its not hard at all....... but ill let you all know tomorrow after i sleep on it and see how it is going.

Thanks My Familia
im thinking very hard about relinquishing my position here at AMJ and let the staff take over my spot since i know they will do a great job since they have learned from me the best. im just getting sick and tired and quite frankly stressed about all the repeat questions, private messages and all that jazz. it clearly states not to email pm or im for support and people still do over 150 times a day to me just through pm. and than people dont read and repeating myself over and over gets tiring, stressful, and very annoying........ so unless i change my mind im MOST LIKELY gonna relinquish my spot and wish YOU, MY FAMILY the best but i will report back tomorrow with my final answer....... i just need some help to keep this place running and all with the questions, apps, games, and much much more..... so if i can get that i will stay and all and i wish the members would search its not hard at all....... but ill let you all know tomorrow after i sleep on it and see how it is going.

Thanks My Familia
i dont even know what to say... I almost shead a tear and couldnt believe this... I am outta words and dont know what to say... but I STICKYED IT!
no way, u cant be serious about this. som staff cant handle all the work here, and me and jew get at it hard but still it needs a touch of dash. You know without you this site would be all over the place, you are the ying to this sites yang,

a dash of dash would have been more appropriate i think :P dashy you know you wont leave us :P forward your PMs to me ill make sure these people are dealt with ;)
Hey man i understand, that why i never applied for the vacant staff position because it turns into an obligation instead of something you do for fun. So I'll just sit back in the post and help when i can. You do a lot but lately with Broski, Big Jew try to help out a lot......Need to get the OG (Original Gangster) like Vennum(hiliary clinton duck for sniper fire), Tiger(Tom Hanks Lost), Cruzin Bx (where the hell is waldo). Get them to help out a little more or be more visiable......i think they hit you up the most because your more visable, post more, more youtube, etc. ......

Can't forget about .....(Dolimite) elboriyorker a.k.a owner a.k.a Mr. AMJ :)
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Are You Serious!!!!?????? No Way, I Cant Believe This Dash. Cmon Theres Gotta Be A Way To Relieve Some Of The Work For You, Us Members Gotta Make A Pact To Answer Questions To Our Knowledge And Not Let Dash Carry All Of Them, Cmon Guys We All Learned A Lot Throughout This Site So Why Not Help Noob's Or Common Questions?? Stop Being Selfish And Help Others Just Like You Wanted Help When You Dnt Know Squat!! This Doesnt Apply To Pple Who Already Do This, Much Love And Respect Dash

Site Should Be Named Dash.com Lol
Nothing against the other staff here cause they all do wonders but I don't know how well the site would hold up around here. I mean your knowledge and everything is just insane. I mean who else could pull apart a mogul and upgrade it with parts not even made for that phone. Or fix a WSOD!!!! This is your passion and we wan't to be the reason you do what you love. Help people make there phones better than anyone in the world. You can't leave us. Your needed around here like someone in that bathroom needing toilet paper, or like peanut butter needs jelly, or kool-aid needs sugar. You get my point. I think that you should just take a small vacation from the chaos around here and keep an eagle eye view to see how things are going on. KEEP IN TOUCH AND LET US KNOW WHAT YOUR GOING TO DO.
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d/\sh just DONT ACCEPT PMS form people in the member group only allow pms from staff, vip, and whoever else

I Totally Agree, Tigerz...If someone isn't VIP or Staff, then they wouldn't be able to bother the D/\shinator, Tigerz, etc...So more useful time can be spent on getting more wonderful apps/mods...
Well...I was on youtube one day checking some vids out and saw a vid from you and you might remember we messaged back and forth about something on there and in the video I heard you speak of "AMJ" and thats when I joined this community. Now I have been a memebr of countless other ppc and some pc forums and I have to say that this one is by far my favorite and is the one I visit the most now, actually I barely get on the other forums on a every 3 day basis anymore because of "AMJ." There alot of other stories like mine and Dash if you leave, there will be alot of people who won't learn about AMJ without having heard it from you and there might even be people who leave without you skillz available. Now you don't want to see what you have helped to create go backwards...lol...cut this sentimental stuff. Dash you are the man out here and I would really hate to see you leave dog.
wutever u think is right for u, do it...but i do agree wit tigerz bout the pm's and alot of members do kno where to post in the correct areas so y should the members that pm u not know how to post in the correct areas...like mandigo said go CHIEF tha best solution