Oct 3, 2008 Thread Owner : D/\SH #1 D D/\SH Owner - Staff A_C opened his site back up and will be releasing new versions of all his great apps!! Just wanted to spread the news :>
A_C opened his site back up and will be releasing new versions of all his great apps!! Just wanted to spread the news :>
Oct 17, 2008 #2 havox22 I Rock..u know it Re: A_c is back thanks, but who is AC?? and what is his site??
Oct 17, 2008 #3 T TweetyBear Registered Re: A_c is back AC is the one who makes s2u2 and slide to play and slide to view. and they are all great apps!
Re: A_c is back AC is the one who makes s2u2 and slide to play and slide to view. and they are all great apps!
Oct 17, 2008 #4 T Tigerz Tech-O-Shock Re: A_c is back WOOOOOT D/\SH any news on his sites url, Or will he just be doing releases on XDA-DEV --------- New Post Merged on 17/10/2008 at 11:41:15 -------- Some reason I can never edit my posts but any way heres the site link: http://www.ac-s2.com/ Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
Re: A_c is back WOOOOOT D/\SH any news on his sites url, Or will he just be doing releases on XDA-DEV --------- New Post Merged on 17/10/2008 at 11:41:15 -------- Some reason I can never edit my posts but any way heres the site link: http://www.ac-s2.com/