Androkkid is a new Windows Mobile interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET.

The project is in development and it work for all resolutions only in portrait mode (for now).

Read more info in Readme.txt file in the installation folder on your mobile or on XDA Forum at the latest thread about Androkkid.
For any support go to XDA Forum.

Install / Uninstall

To Install Androkkid only extract the folder in zip file in any directory and start Androkkid.exe .
To Uninstall Androkkid delete the folder of program where you have extracted.

To Install click on cab file and start Androkkid.exe .
To Uninstall go to Windows Mobile Settings and Remove programs.

Last update

Version 0.4.0 - 09/09/2009

* Add icons to desktop from list by tap on icon and release on desktop
* If you tap icon you can move it were you want
* If you move icon on X or on pen you can delete and edit it
* Tapping on background open a default menu with a lot of actions on program
* You can add contact from your contacts list
* You can add url by typing it on program
* You can minimize program by tapping on background and choose Minimize
* There are a lot of settings in file Settings.ini in the application folder, you can modify but first

Version 0.6.0 - 29/09/2009

Added Widgets dialog
Added some widgets (Hero clock, Analog Clock, Digital Clock and Next Appointment)
Added AndrokkidSettings.exe to program directory to chenge settings
Added Settings in program menu
Added Pages ballon only when touch screen to show where you are
Taskbar now disappear if you modify Settings
Correct bug with missed calls log opening
Added slide gesture from first page to last page and viceversa
Added keypad movements to slide pages, open programs list
Added another method to load icons (old method used in iFonz), change option in Settings
Added StartPage option to set which page you want load at start
Bug fixed
Released the source code of my widgets


make a backup

Update History :
Version 0.8.0 - 09/10/2009

* Created Battery and Signal Widgets
* Created Photo Frame Widget
* Added Hero Theme
* Correct problems with wallpaper slide
* Correct bugs with QVGA resolution and notification icon
* Correct bug when click on icons more sensitive now
* Added option to show balls page in Settings
* When press center button in D-PAD now you go to start page selected
* Redesign the bottom bar like Sense UI of HTC Hero with 2 new buttons, 1 to open menu and 1 to add icon or other objects
* Added Show menu for contact when click on a contact in settings


Version 1.0.0 - 30/10/2009

* Correct some bugs
* Removed Menu for contacts
* Added in "+" menu "New icon"
* Added Folders
* Correct problem with dll of widgets, now the add widget get the name of folder and no more the name of dll
* Added open animation programs
* Added in Widgets Source Code new method called "ScrollWidget" to scroll up and down when you are on widget

For more history version info read Readme.txt file in installation directory on your mobile.



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Re: Androkkid 040

Exactly. I am waiting for the Clock, weather, and contacts widgets. Maybe a music widget or pre-defined music page. Other than that, this is going to replace TouchFlo 3D for me once it is fleshed out a bit more.
Re: Androkkid 040

VERY NICE. I cnt wait for the updates and this to take off, I love it. The great thing about Windows is you can have and use programs like this and forget you even have windows at times, lol.
Re: Androkkid 040

I hope they actively develop this. Even in this early stage I love it. It will replace TF3D for me.

EDIT: HOLY CRAP! I gots me two nice sponsor tags! Thank you!
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Re: Androkkid 040

My feedback is going to have to be the same as everyone else's at the moment. Seems to be running pretty smooth, but widgets (ie clock ;) need to be implemented to make it more usable. At the moment, it's just something to play with, but not much more for me. I wouldn't be happy using it by itself, until widgets are deployed. Overall a great idea and look.
Re: Androkkid 040

My feedback is going to have to be the same as everyone else's at the moment. Seems to be running pretty smooth, but widgets (ie clock ;) need to be implemented to make it more usable. At the moment, it's just something to play with, but not much more for me. I wouldn't be happy using it by itself, until widgets are deployed. Overall a great idea and look.

yuppers, glad to see another one waiting for the widgets to come and such... isaw that there was a widget folder already there made for you so i may have to reinstall visual basics and see what i can do with that so some widgets are out there :)
Re: Androkkid 040

JUst posting back results program itself runs really smooth..i know itll be better as program gets upated along the way...still a good start will be using this for a while..sure needs more customizing like clock at startup and messaging etc...still a good app thnxs
Re: Androkkid 040

wow app runs really good---confuses peeps when they try to use my phone. i leave it on blank screen and they dont know what to do its funny to see there confused face.--