Re [APP] [09OKT2009] fixOperaFlashPlayer v151
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grtz cyber weesje
bump bump new releas added
grtz cyber weesje
i dont know if im in the right thread or not.... but will this help me when i want to watch videos online using my TP...
thanks... i didn't wanna start anything till i know that it is right.... thanks again... oooh one more thing... it doesn't matter what ROM im running right? cuz i have the sSs rom... thanks again...
I dont see why not opera is included on that rom so i would say its a go..let us how it worked for you thnxs...
hello guys im on my pro right now and im bored so i went to facebook to check out farmville but it said that i dont have that flash thingy even after i did the step by step procedure... is this the right flash or theres another kind... thanks...
hey guys new update out 11/16
When trying to use this with Opera 10 I get an installation error..?? Anyone else have this problem..?? Searched and had no luck =(
i have net35 installed, but the error was multiple multiple lines... I ended up deleting it and saying "blah" to it for now, i just wasn't sure if anyone else had any install issues... i had opera closed, clean sweeped to close everything else, and gave it a start = no luck... reset phone, tried again = no luck... if i tether with it anymore i'll post back with what errors are listed in there... thanks =)