[MUST-READ] Auction House Rules


Staff member
OG Member
Classifieds Rules *(April 2, 2008 4:30pm EST)*

Yes my friends, like any well-run BST forum, we have some rules everyone must abide by. Failure to do so will result in thread removal, banishment, castration, and/or being forced.

- You Must Have A Paypal Account To Sell Anything Here. Anything other then paypal an admin must approve and noted on the post stating that we approved.

- You must provide a photo of the item with your user name within the photo...and attached it to the post .If there's no photo the thread will be not be approved and closed.

- And you must join the Dealer Members group NO EXCEPTIONS

- In your user control panel under user profile option scroll down to you say an option for paypal.Type in your paypal email address and select that you are an approve member for paypal.Reason for that on every post you will see two pics next to your user name, it will say paypal member and paypal approve. So take advantage of that.

1. By using this free service you recognize that AMJ Bulletin can in no way be held liable for the accuracy of statements made by users of the service, or any claims arising from transactions made by users of the service.

2. Buyer beware! Buyer beware! Buyer beware! If possible, try to make the deal in person.

3. If you decide to conduct the transaction over the internet try to cover yourself. Keep track of ALL correspondence! If you have any doubts try using an Escrow service.

By registering as a dealer here you can immunize yourself with amnesty to the dealer rules within this thread indicated by *DR.

6. If you sell your item(s) please notify others by posting an update. Anyone selling an item must comply.

7. No selling stuff on behalf of other people. If they can't sell it themselves that's their own problem. Don't make it yours.

8. If you are found to be ripping anyone off you will be banned and reported to the proper authorities.

9. NO THREAD-CRAPPING! (i.e. Telling someone they're asking price is too much or there are cheaper places somewhere else.) If you think something is over-priced the seller will usually figure this out pretty quickly.

10. NO THREAD-JACKING! (i.e. When someone posts a FS/WTB/WTT thread and you post 'Me too!'.) Create your own thread.

11. If you're using PayPal only accept money from Verified Buyers, if you're selling accept from Verified Sellers. If you still have doubts of sending payment to a complete total stranger, have the seller pay you $0.01 so you know where they live and make sure it is a confirmed address. Use this for trades as well. You have been warned.

12. If something sounds too good to be true it probably is.

13. ALL items MUST have an asking price. This is NOT eBay. No links to EBAY THIS IS NOT EBAY.

14. No illegal software.

15. No guns or weapons (a paintball marker is not considered to be a gun or a weapon).

16. The AMJ Bulletin guide to Thread Creation:
Subject lines MUST include an acronym before ANY other information.. AND must be in the format described below; Period... Any new threads that lack the outline below I will close out the thread...

WTB: = Want to buy.
FS: = For sale
WTT: = Want to trade
LOT: = A lot of items for sale.

Notice the upper casing...
A valid format for a "want to buy" subject line is as follows:
WTB: i90c used good condition!

A valid format for a "For sale" subject line is as follows:
FS: Super clear oem blah blah ($dollaramount)
Note: notice the "($dollaramount)" this is required...

A valid format for a "Want to trade" subject line is as follows:
WTT: i90c + ($amount) for i95 in decent condition.

A valid LOT post is any WTB FS or WTT thread but within the thread title you must include the word "LOT".

You guys get the idea... Use acronyms... I don't want to see subjects like "!!!good Deal!!!"... This WILL get you a free 96 hour vacation...

Body text is NOT to include any bullshit "deal deal deal" type shit... Or suffer......

The body text should be as clear as the subject.. Straight to the point...

17. Raffles are subject to approval. Please PM myself or the other admins with your proposals.

18. No threads allowed offering to purchase "referrals" for all these damn free items. No exceptions. Threads will be pulled, user will be banned for a period determined by the staff member.

19. Once you are staified that you have received your merchandise and happy with with it. Please leave a feedback
see image:

*Failure to comply with the rules will result in a temp or perma ban at the discretion of staff members.
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