Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket


Flashing 6800 to Cricket



FULL DISCLOSURE: This is intended only as a guide, not a how to‚ manual. I, frankly, have not flashed my phone since getting it flashed by someone else (which is what got me interested in customizing and flashing). I love the current ROM on my phone (To0_v3 from HOFO) and, quite frankly, have not seen a reason to switch. When I can get my hands on the .nbh file for the ROM that I am currently using (so that I can return to it if I so choose), then I will do some experimenting with other ROMs. If/when I can get my hands on more devices to play with, I will certainly be flashing and testing out the other ROMs. READ FOR YOURSELF THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ROMS LINKED ABOVE AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION.

In advance I would like to take a moment to thank the people outlined below (D/\SH, ICEMAN, RyanMogul, PDAJunkie, GaMedic, PPCGeeks, Howard Forums and xda-developers. Without them, I would not be able to create this thread.

Now that is out of the way, this is what I have learned about flashing the 6800 to Cricket. Cricket, because it does not carry any PDA phones or anything really close, does have some quirks that are just par for the course. Some things that will be addressed are the MMS and WAP (Internet settings). I am not going to go through everything here, but will post the links to people who are much smarter than I am and much better at this.


Step 2-DO MORE SEARCHES AND LEARN EVEN MORE! I have spent probably over 100 hours doing nothing but reading about flashing the Mogul/6800 to Cricket and some of the issues that can come up.

Step 3- Check out the flashing tutorials here on AMJ <Note: The directions are good for the flashing procedure of Mogul/6800 but any ROMs mentioned are typically for Sprint rather than Cricket. Check below for specific Cricket ROMs.>

ICEMAN's Tutorial:


D/\SH's Tutorial:


GaMedic Tutorial from PPCGeeks:


I, personally, like the SD flashing method from my own reading, outlined by GaMedic at PPC

Step 3a- Make sure that you have everything needed
<Unlocker> <Link in D/\SH Tutorial>

<Exit bootloader> <Link in D/\SH Tutorial>

<RUU> <Link in D/\SH Tutorial BUT I believe that many of the ROMs have a RUU I the compressed (zip/rar) file>


SD card, formatted to Fat32 and smaller than 2gig....512 MB is probably ideal. You will read about this in GaMedic's tutorial.

<Cricket ROM>
Here are some of the ROMs for 6800 specifically cooked for Cricket that I have found by a lot of searching around. I DO NOT endorse any of them. I take NO CREDIT FOR ANY OF THEM. I take NO RESPONSIBILITY if you brick your device. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOU ARE GETTING AND FLASHING A ROM FOR CDMA CRICKET, APPROPRIATE FOR THE 6800/MOGUL. YOU ARE THE ONE HITTING THE DOWNLOAD BUTTON AND CHOOSING TO PERFORM A FLASH.

Many of these ROMs are cooked for fully functioning MMS and Internet. Some may need some tweaks and/or fixes. Keep an eye on the threads for additional information/support.

My personal preference is for a "light" or "clean" ROM. That way I am not wasting storage space or memory on something that I am going to replace.

GaMedic has a ROM for Cricket in his tutorial, linked above

PDAJ's Clean Titan ROM


Ryan Mogul Heavy ROM


Ryan Mogul Light ROM


(*Ryan Mogul provides quite a bit of support in the xda thread to include a hotfix*)

There are other ROMs out there specifically for Cricket. Do some searching and find what you like.

<Links to EPST settings>
Some settings might have to be tweaked a bit. This might involve some registry changes and/ or some EPST changes.


<Links to MMS/WAP tweaks>
This is a thread over at PPC which should help get your MMS/Internet up and running, if it isn't already.


Additional threads and information and other ROMs can be found by searching at:




FULL DISCLOSURE: This is intended only as a guide, not a how to‚ manual. I, frankly, have not flashed my phone since getting it flashed by someone else (which is what got me interested in customizing and flashing). I love the current ROM on my phone (To0_v3 from HOFO) and, quite frankly, have not seen a reason to switch. When I can get my hands on the .nbh file for the ROM that I am currently using (so that I can return to it if I so choose), then I will do some experimenting with other ROMs. If/when I can get my hands on more devices to play with, I will certainly be flashing and testing out the other ROMs. READ FOR YOURSELF THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ROMS LINKED ABOVE AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION.
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Thanks I was just working on that and I went too long on the time. I had typed this all into Word, not thinking that the links were still live that way. Went back to edit as soon as I noticed and it took too long between fixing the live links and some of the typeset gaps that appeared when I copied and pasted.
check over at ppcgeeks and xda and howard forums for a vogue Cricket ROM...I really have done no research on the Vogue....I have researched some on the Touch Pro....

Overall I would venture to guess that you would HAVE to use a RUU because I dont believe that the Vogue has and SD slot.....The steps for flashing a Vogue are outlined in D/\SH's tutorial (linked above)...

The OS for the various Cricket ROMS should fall under the 6.5 as well under hte 6.1 OS....

Primarily....BE SURE that any ROM that you wish to flash is for YOUR DEVICE (VOGUE).....If you attempt to flash a Titan ROM or Touch Pro ROM to your device you WILL brick it.....

Good hunting!
OK.......for anyone interested I have been flashing a series of ROMS that I have been building w/ppckitchen.......specifically for the 6800 for Cricket..........I am running into one HUGE problem........I am desperately trying to get the MMS/WAP Arcsoft cab into OEM........I have tried several different OEM builders with no luck.......I lack the ability to get it done.....

.If anyone can help, I will be able to get a CRICKET TITAN/6800/MOGUL ROM into further testing........WITH working MMS/WAP and get it posted.....

OK.......for anyone interested I have been flashing a series of ROMS that I have been building w/ppckitchen.......specifically for the 6800 for Cricket..........I am running into one HUGE problem........I am desperately trying to get the MMS/WAP Arcsoft cab into OEM........I have tried several different OEM builders with no luck.......I lack the ability to get it done.....

.If anyone can help, I will be able to get a CRICKET TITAN/6800/MOGUL ROM into further testing........WITH working MMS/WAP and get it posted.....


talk to the guys over at ppcgeeks in the chat room that they have and someone there will be able to guide you or give you the oem already made :) they are really good with that stuff over there.
Thanks so much.........i never thought of the chat room over there.....i had read so many posts that I was going buggy.......I should be getting some help from one of the people at PPCKitchen.......I always look to y'all here at AMJ first for virtually everything.....

PS>. Is the quick reply button now history?....I havent seen it in awhile and have checked my settings, but i oculd have missed it......
Ok....I now have the OEM problem solved (thanks to JustPCTech at PPCKitchen.....I now have a functioning ROM with MMS/Internet that should work very well........If anyone is interested let me know and I will get it posted......There are still some bugs but I am trying to figure them out...nothing major that I have discovered so far. (not really a "bug" but a touch on the annoying side once in awhile)..seems to be pretty snappy and good on RAM (20+Mb on boot)....
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Ok....I now have the OEM problem solved (thanks to JustPCTech at PPCKitchen.....I now have a functioning ROM with MMS/Internet that should work very well........If anyone is interested let me know and I will get it posted......There are still some bugs but I am trying to figure them out...nothing major that I have discovered so far. (not really a "bug" but a touch on the annoying side once in awhile)..seems to be pretty snappy and good on RAM (20+Mb on boot)....

nice and hell yeah im interested!! i could get a couple people to try that at work and they would love not having to mess with all the settings again to get it all to work :) you are going to be their new hero hahahaha it is........THIS IS FOR THE XV680/MOGUL ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither I, nor AMJ, takes responsibility if you brick your device. So far I have flashed this and have no problems, but things do go wrong!

I have to give credit over to the guys at PPCKitchen (no2chem - GGuruUSA - naigaman - Colonel - Tiermann - ImCoKeMan - helmi - dcd - luv2chill- bepe - tadzio - mamaich) and to JustPCTech.....without their incredible work, I never could have created this....Also thanks to all the people who worked with the MMS/WAP (RyanMogul over at xda in particular)...

It is not fancy, and is WM 6.1 based (base 21042)....Pretty simple ROM...Nothing overly fancy at this point (especially since I prefer simple ROMs and then customizing them myself)...

D/\SH---If your friend's already have a fully flashed ppc6800 with OTA then they should be fine with this....if they have an xv-6800 with functioning GPS they should be fine after unlocking.....if they have a Mogul that is still on Sprint, it is a bit more complicated to reset the MSL/SPC to 000000 (for ota programming) and ideally they should already have a Cricket to switch the ESN...ota update and VOILA it should be good!

The one little glitch i have found is that when exiting Settings->Today->Themes or Items that it will open the dial me why, but it does....may try a different build...

here's the link......New and improved versions will come as people let me know what is going this a Beta i guess...


--------- New Post Merged on 26/6/2009 at 05:20:55 --------

Addition: This link in post 13 will also provide the epst settings that should optimize for cricket.......follow all the instructions......if you are *not* already a cricket customer, become one first or the *228 will not do anything for you....

--------- New Post Merged on 26/6/2009 at 05:22:25 --------

ALSO: there are two PRL codes...if you are not already on Cricket with your current ROM....covered in the thread from xda....
Last edited: it is........THIS IS FOR THE XV680/MOGUL ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither I, nor AMJ, takes responsibility if you brick your device. So far I have flashed this and have no problems, but things do go wrong!

I have to give credit over to the guys at PPCKitchen (no2chem - GGuruUSA - naigaman - Colonel - Tiermann - ImCoKeMan - helmi - dcd - luv2chill- bepe - tadzio - mamaich) and to JustPCTech.....without their incredible work, I never could have created this....Also thanks to all the people who worked with the MMS/WAP (RyanMogul over at xda in particular)...

It is not fancy, and is WM 6.1 based (base 21042)....Pretty simple ROM...Nothing overly fancy at this point (especially since I prefer simple ROMs and then customizing them myself)...

D/\SH---If your friend's already have a fully flashed ppc6800 with OTA then they should be fine with this....if they have an xv-6800 with functioning GPS they should be fine after unlocking.....if they have a Mogul that is still on Sprint, it is a bit more complicated to reset the MSL/SPC to 000000 (for ota programming) and ideally they should already have a Cricket to switch the ESN...ota update and VOILA it should be good!

The one little glitch i have found is that when exiting Settings->Today->Themes or Items that it will open the dial me why, but it does....may try a different build...

here's the link......New and improved versions will come as people let me know what is going this a Beta i guess...

--------- New Post Merged on 26/6/2009 at 05:20:55 --------

Addition: This link in post 13 will also provide the epst settings that should optimize for cricket.......follow all the instructions......if you are *not* already a cricket customer, become one first or the *228 will not do anything for you....

--------- New Post Merged on 26/6/2009 at 05:22:25 --------

ALSO: there are two PRL codes...if you are not already on Cricket with your current ROM....covered in the thread from xda....

sweet!!! very nice and downloading now :) by any chance are you going to post this in the rom section also?
It has been my pleasure...I still am a noob in so many areas, but am learning by doing all of this and enjoying it thoroughly........Hopefully some will find the ROM handy and can give some feedback and I can improve it and then maybe work my way up to the Touch and then the Touch Pro........Might bypass the touch and head straight to TP.....
Cant agree with you more...once you get your peeps up and running, let me know what they think.....If it works well for them, I will get it up and going in the ROM section.......If there are some things that still need ironed out, I will work on the build and stuff (as i said, i am not very good fixing things) and I will also spend some time working on some custom theme .tsk files and convert them to OEM.....I dont know how to use anything for graphic creation, but if anyone comes up with some ideas that i can use, i will see what i can to to .tsk and oem them.....

I might also work on a 6.5 if i can get all the files downloaded and into the kitchen.......i have played with some 6.5 ROMs made by others and the 6800 just does not seem to have enough memory to really utilize it...
D/\sh---if your people have been having some difficulty, this will probably go a long way to getting them up and running, especially with OTA programming.

Mods: If you could please add this into the original post:

One thing that I did not originally touch on is OTA programming. If you are flashing a Mogul/6800 that does not already have the SPC already set to 000000 then that has to be done to facilitate OTA programming. Verizon phones are already set at 000000 (which is one reason I started flashing the VZW phone to start learning.......and YES I do flash my phones with my own ROMs and others now!)....

However, there is a workaround for this....

You will have to do some research because it gets a bit more complicated than I will go into here. RyanMogul over at xda has done a terrific job. When I get get my hands on a Sprint branded Mogul, I will be working with this and getting accustomed to the process for changing the MSL/SPC to 000000 on Sprint phones

RyanMogul PST Settings thread (ALSO HAS UNLOCKER PACKAGE)
