yo monkey boy 1st off i dont got no issues with kaos and im fully aware of wut homeboy does 4 da community anotha thing i wuz jus responding so get off kaos dick man and let him get @ me,or u no what imma come out by sayin i wuz outta line n it wuz a dickhead move on my behalf but im sick of dudez shittn on vzw like they got sprint stock shares or something.Facts-sprint shares went from like 30.00 to like 2.80 an vzw 40.00 to 35.00 #s dont lie and if u need confirmation on this shit do aserch @ ppcgeeks,i got nothin but love for AMJ but im not dat dude u call me out imma answer,it jus so happens the good folk @ AMJ created the beef forum
--------- New Post Merged on 24/12/2008 at 0806 --------
listen playboy u aint neva talked like me or acted like me u street dreamn faggot ass mofo.i neva had gang mantality dats a ***** trait i walk nyc or any otha establishment dolo i got dat n my package u dig ****n superman avatar and u talkn about 17 u gotta be ****in kiddn me u straight duck sauce son son dont bark @ dat tree cause dat tree will fall on u n stop watchn superman movies
--------- New Post Merged on 24/12/2008 at 0829 --------
@ the end of the day i gotta good life man,so imma be easy wit this beef shit cause i might not be chefn roms or a supermam fan but i do know this whole shit wuz fun but on some real shit i got no issues wit none of u dudez but if u call i wil come u feel me merry xmas
--------- New Post Merged on 24/12/2008 at 0832 --------
also i noticed i went from a zr member to a jr,gotta luv it
wow! not only can't you not speak nor spell, you can't read either! I said ''when'' I was 17. and to show you how soft you are, you first talk all this shit like you big and bad, and the end the bitc* comes out of you talking about
''this whole shit was for fun I aint got issues with you dudes''
that's the bict* in you talking.