BiG JeW's ToUch/VoGuE KiLLs iPHONE!!! 07/21/08


ADMIN-Watch what you say!
Hey guys, I just got my touch a couple days ago and i just wanted to show you guys what I did. if you like the video PLEASE press the THANKS button or Gimme some REPS!!

SHOT-OUT TO BoRiQua MoDz of PR, BroSki, & D/\SH, You KnoW!!! EnjoY!

nice jew and thanks for showin my texts question, which version of opera is that?
ummmm, Version 5.51 beta Build 1718. Why? And sorry bout the texts but thats i own you! you know what I mean. :jew4: J/K....
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Damn man!!! Sick phone

You, Dash, and Kaos seriously got me addicted to phones watchin your youtube videos.

Couple of questions. After all is said and done. how much mem do u have left over?
i have a mogul and i know vouges have a lot more but just curious.
also how the FFFFFFFF did u get the throttle launcher contact icon to bring up icontact?
ive been searchin but im still a noob and dont always find what im lookin for even when i
"green button" the hell outta stuff.
Hey guys, I just got my touch a couple days ago and i just wanted to show you guys what I did. if you like the video PLEASE press the THANKS button or Gimme some REPS!!

SHOT-OUT TO BoRiQua MoDz of PR, BroSki, & D/\SH, You KnoW!!! EnjoY!


Good job on the video man I like all your video work.

Posted via Mobile Device
Very Sweet!
Love the setup you have - esp the message system and as always I learn something from your videos. I didn't s2p could turn that way - very nice ;)
Which keyboard skin are you using for your resco?