[HTC-PRO] Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23420 is up! (09/30/09) {UC}

Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] UC

Dash thanks for updating.... i just saw a new version and seen you posted it already... still no lappy, but get on when i can... more bad news.. we'll talk later.

aight send me a text when you free and ill give you a call on my break.... let me know bro.... call either the pro or the pre i got both on me.
Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) UC

ok i just flashed the 3034 rom and so far so good. but for starters i deleted those i as i said before on the 3017 rom out of the windows file/ start up. but the battery is holding up alot better then as it did with the 3017 after start. i will be going through everything tonight when i get home. i still have not added all my setting yet. but for the way it looks and is proforming it's great. like right now im on my labtop in my car running the wifi rounter and it's holding up great on the battery it still has not moved yet. so thats a big plus. but will do a few review over the next couple of days. also just so u know the battery hacks i posted for the 3017 rom this rom has most of them built in all ready.

--------- New Post Merged on 24/8/2009 at 11:16:22 --------

hey dash the link for the 3034 rom is broken.... could u re up it. when i flashed to the 3034 rom i had to go too ppcgeeks to get it.

--------- New Post Merged on 25/8/2009 at 01:26:45 --------

ok sense i flashed yesterday afternoon, this rom is great. all of the reg.edits/hacks for the battery that i do uhave done them all but 1 witched i changed. 3034 rom is vary stable. the only thing so far that i noticed is in the album when u turn the phone on it side to flip the pic it does not flip but it does change the pic slide. also if u want to zoom in on a pic u have to zoom in with the d-pad instead of tapping the screen, it's like zoom in and out on opra. witch is ok. me i dont use opra much because it does not have flash built in. i use skyfire 10. double tab works but not like it should u have to double tap 4 or 5 times to zoom in. other then that it running wonderful. i took my phone off the charger this morning at 7am made a few calls, sent and and got back emails, and did a lil texting, and have been running wifi router for about an hour now and the i have not put it back on the charger yet and the battery is at 79%. thats good in my eyes for what i have been doing and the work load on the phone.

also the way the volume up and down is cool because it blose up the icons on top and it makes it so much easier to hit what u want to change or turn off.

if i find anything else everyone i will let u know.
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) UC

yo dash the rom has been updated to 3037 now could u update the link? also could u make it to wear the link is not broken as it is for 3034.
Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) UC

hotfix1 - changes the start icon at the bottom and some other thing s but not sure. but it really helps.

hotfix2 - that helps with the double tap and also for the programs and apps that need the ok button that fixes it too.


Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) {UC}

I wanna try this one day I love the background. Nice Find
Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) UC

my bad i just looked and u already updated it.
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23047 w/6.5 native kernal! (09/13/09) {UC}

Im havin Problems recieving mms.... can anyone help me with that?