

Bleutooth Question?
Can you use a bluetooth device to talk on the phone, (yes) but my Question is: Can you use the same bleutooth to listen to my music that I have on my phone when I'm not using the phone?
yes you can but there are some registry tweaks that will have to be done to make them even listenable otherwise they will sound scratchy. if you dont feel comfortable with changing the registry dont do it because this can brick the phone if a mistake is made.
yes you can but there are some registry tweaks that will have to be done to make them even listenable otherwise they will sound scratchy. if you dont feel comfortable with changing the registry dont do it because this can brick the phone if a mistake is made.

No.... I do not mind changing the registry. I think you have to tweak all registry to make them work right. do you know the right tweaks needed to make this work.
Thank You.........
There is a stereo bluetooth out by Motorola called the Rokr. They are double earbuds and there is a band that wraps around your head. You can probably find them online pretty cheap, but are about $100 retail. Sound quality is great.
There is a stereo bluetooth out by Motorola called the Rokr. They are double earbuds and there is a band that wraps around your head. You can probably find them online pretty cheap, but are about $100 retail. Sound quality is great.

i actually looked into it for the touch and you dont need the tweaks but sound quality isnt the best bet. (mogul needs tweaks) but what the above dude mentioned would proly be your best bet.
i am having the same problem my buddy has a bluetooth but i can't listen to music what can i do to fix this. and will sktools work for changing the registry also what do i change.