This works on the HTC Touch, not sure about the mogul, it should work, but you never know!
Ok gents! I have figured out how to adjust call tones on the touch! You have to get this file and install it on your ppc.
Make sure that internet explorer is closed at this point.
Then go Start->Settings->Connections->Advanced->select networks
In the first drop down box select Call Tones.
Click Edit.
Then you go to the proxy settings tab-> click "This network connects to the Internet" and "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet." Then type in "" under proxy server
Then go back to the modem tab, then hold the stylus on calltone connect until an menu pops up, and click on connect.
Then it will try to connect, and ask for a user name and a password, and a domain, leave all of these blank, and click ok.
Now leave this window open, do not click ok on the top right (atleast for me it was disconnecting every time I tried this.....)
Open up internet explorer, and type in if this site does not come up correctly, *EDIT* (if it has a red bar at the top its not the right website) refresh a few times.
In the search type in call tones, and then click the call tone link that pops up, and Bingo! you gots yourself calltone access!
In theory you can bookmark this page and delete the software for this, and just use the bookmark, now I have not tried this yet..... any questions? post here! hopefully we can get a rapidshare linky for this file... soon.... credit to Wideawake from the PPC forums for this excellent solution!
Ok gents! I have figured out how to adjust call tones on the touch! You have to get this file and install it on your ppc.
Make sure that internet explorer is closed at this point.
Then go Start->Settings->Connections->Advanced->select networks
In the first drop down box select Call Tones.
Click Edit.
Then you go to the proxy settings tab-> click "This network connects to the Internet" and "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet." Then type in "" under proxy server
Then go back to the modem tab, then hold the stylus on calltone connect until an menu pops up, and click on connect.
Then it will try to connect, and ask for a user name and a password, and a domain, leave all of these blank, and click ok.
Now leave this window open, do not click ok on the top right (atleast for me it was disconnecting every time I tried this.....)
Open up internet explorer, and type in if this site does not come up correctly, *EDIT* (if it has a red bar at the top its not the right website) refresh a few times.
In the search type in call tones, and then click the call tone link that pops up, and Bingo! you gots yourself calltone access!
In theory you can bookmark this page and delete the software for this, and just use the bookmark, now I have not tried this yet..... any questions? post here! hopefully we can get a rapidshare linky for this file... soon.... credit to Wideawake from the PPC forums for this excellent solution!
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