Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Hey I did 6 years of getting shot at starting at 34k a year.....I think I earned my keep!!!! But yea, I can't wait. I mean it is gonna suck because it is a uniform detail, but 3 of one of the best WS matchups in our time. Gonna kick ass!!!!!!!!
Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Hey I did 6 years of getting shot at starting at 34k a year.....I think I earned my keep!!!! But yea, I can't wait. I mean it is gonna suck because it is a uniform detail, but 3 of one of the best WS matchups in our time. Gonna kick ass!!!!!!!!

Gees bro yea u do deserve a lil something and ur not going to like that game! Tha yankess will be up 3-0 that night lol ,
Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Hey I did 6 years of getting shot at starting at 34k a year.....I think I earned my keep!!!! But yea, I can't wait. I mean it is gonna suck because it is a uniform detail, but 3 of one of the best WS matchups in our time. Gonna kick ass!!!!!!!!

indeed but last time we met up in the world series we swept u guys, and something tells me im feeling a repeat in history, not a sweep but win in 5 or 6 games. anywho, im glad ur gonna go to the game sup, it is an experience to remember forever.
Re: Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Refuse to lose baby!!!! Phillies in 5!!!!!!!!!
We are the champions... Try to come and get it
Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Refuse to lose baby!!!! Phillies in 5!!!!!!!!!
We are the champions... Try to come and get it

Wow in 5 lol man yankess aint a joke bro

--------- New Post Merged on 28/10/2009 at 08:27:45 --------

Lets go yankess lets go whooooooooooooooooooooo
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Re Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Wow in 5 lol man yankess aint a joke bro

--------- New Post Merged on 28/10/2009 at 08:27:45 --------

Lets go yankess lets go whooooooooooooooooooooo

Ain't that the truth. As stated above, this is not the same Yankees they played last time. Best record in league and they are beasts now.
Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Man ... Freaking A-ROD letting people down AGAIN!

whoa bro, take it ez...its fans like u that suck man,U cant point ur finger at one man....he was hitting 400 with 5 homers and 14 RBI's this post season, what about tex...he aint doin shit hittin like 180,and damon to, and posada, and matsui, and swisher. U cant just point to arod and be like ITS YOUR FAULT. the whole team wasnt hitting, and plus cliff lee ALWAYS pitches great against the yankees, everyone knew maybe except u this game was gonna be hard for us.

So for me arod has done a stellar performance this post season, I dunno if u can hit 400 and 5 homers in the majors especially in the post season. so go figure.
Well that's true I can not blame it on him they all had something to do ... have to give credit to the Phillies ... they played great and had an amazing pitcher that did GREAT yesterday .... anywho is the best of 7 right ? so we have a long way to go ....

And yes when I played baseball back home I had a better batting average than him ... but I pursued soccer instead ...

Go Yanks!