Complete Vista Ultimate Theme

man i have tried everything and i still cant get this to work, i have followed all the steps but im not seeing this themes/desktop...i read that i should see it before i shouldnt have to go to progam files and all, but where should i put it im so lost and i dont mean to be a noob but i really could use some help please....and thank you
man i have tried everything and i still cant get this to work, i have followed all the steps but im not seeing this themes/desktop...i read that i should see it before i shouldnt have to go to progam files and all, but where should i put it im so lost and i dont mean to be a noob but i really could use some help please....and thank you

as i already stated earlier you must connect to activesync and than you will see it.
this may be a stupid question but is windows mobile device center the same as activesync cuz that is what im using, maybe that is why i dont see what im supposed too...but other than that i am connected and can browse the files on the device.
this may be a stupid question but is windows mobile device center the same as activesync cuz that is what im using, maybe that is why i dont see what im supposed too...but other than that i am connected and can browse the files on the device.

yes its the same jsu the vista version and you will see the folder by where it says main/external/storage card and all that jazz..... if not there click on main and should be right htere ifyou have WAD and WA3 installed.
wut version of WAD r u using cuz the beta doesnt put the folder there, try using 1.3 then copy the Portrait and lanscape folders into Themes/Desktop

o dash..i didnt use active sync...since im at work i copied the folders to my storage card and then just pasted them using file explorer
ahhh maybe that was the problem cuz i was running the beta version, i guess i will give this one more try thanks for all the help
should i open the folder up and drag whats inside to themes or the whole folder will do i think im there just have to get over this last hump
should i open the folder up and drag whats inside to themes or the whole folder will do i think im there just have to get over this last hump

it says in the first post take the desktop folder and drag it over there.... and the rest of the sounds andall will be read auto and if not place them in your windows folder.
after i place the file into the themes folder, and go into theme manger and desktop theme in wisbar settings i am drawing a blank screen, and the wisbar theme, i get custom, win5 and win7.....what am i doing wrong thanks for the help
after i place the file into the themes folder, and go into theme manger and desktop theme in wisbar settings i am drawing a blank screen, and the wisbar theme, i get custom, win5 and win7.....what am i doing wrong thanks for the help

yes your doing something wrong your not putting in the correct folderr....... it will do it all for you if you get it in the right folder than load the theme.

Is there a way i can get wisbar advance3 and wisbar advance desktop for free

are you kidding im not even gonna answer that.
i don't normally ask for anything...but i could not find the vista icons. i look in the ifonz thread where i thought they were or maybe i'm overlooking but could someone help me out plz