Cube Config Tool 4.1 Working For ICUBE !!

Re: Cube Config Tool 4.0 Working For ICUBE !!!

I have the same problem with the Cube Config Tool version 4.1 on a HTC Touch with iCube installed on it,

Its not a rebranded model like the Sprint, its with the original HTC logo on it, bought in Mexico.
When trying to startup the cube config tool it comes up with an unexpected error in CubeConfig.exe. Ill post u the detailed error message at the bottom of this post if that helps debugging the problem.

And the cube has 3 side, the one that has the internet, calendar, etc.. remains with the "original look", and the other two have the "icube look" , do you konw why.
Here's the detailed error:
CubeConfig.exe DirectoryNotFoundException
at System.IO._Error.WinIOError()
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames( )
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFiles()
at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles()
at CubeDAL.DeviceStorage.GetApplications()
at CubeConfig.Form1.LoadiCubeApp()
at CubeConfig.Form1.SelectiCubeApp()
at CubeConfig.Form1.ddliCubeSide_SelectedIndexChanged ()
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChang ed()
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WnProc()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc()
at Microsoft.AGL.Forms.CTL.ComboBoxSetSelIndex()
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex()
at CubeConfig.Form1.Build_iCube()
at CubeConfig.Form1..ctor()
at CubeConfig.Program.Main()

Thanks for your attention man.
Re: Cube Config Tool 4.0 Working For ICUBE !!!

I have the same problem with the Cube Config Tool version 4.1 on a HTC Touch with iCube installed on it,

Its not a rebranded model like the Sprint, its with the original HTC logo on it, bought in Mexico.
When trying to startup the cube config tool it comes up with an unexpected error in CubeConfig.exe. Ill post u the detailed error message at the bottom of this post if that helps debugging the problem.

And the cube has 3 side, the one that has the internet, calendar, etc.. remains with the "original look", and the other two have the "icube look" , do you konw why.
Here's the detailed error:
CubeConfig.exe DirectoryNotFoundException
at System.IO._Error.WinIOError()
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames( )
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFiles()
at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles()
at CubeDAL.DeviceStorage.GetApplications()
at CubeConfig.Form1.LoadiCubeApp()
at CubeConfig.Form1.SelectiCubeApp()
at CubeConfig.Form1.ddliCubeSide_SelectedIndexChanged ()
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChang ed()
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WnProc()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc()
at Microsoft.AGL.Forms.CTL.ComboBoxSetSelIndex()
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex()
at CubeConfig.Form1.Build_iCube()
at CubeConfig.Form1..ctor()
at CubeConfig.Program.Main()

Thanks for your attention man.

no clue i never had problems... you installed the cube and this cube config tool to the main memory and not the card correct.
Ok i m not sure what the problem is. ive downloaded the cabs for the icube, including the configuration tool and now it seems to be sort of taking place of my ultimate launcher, wich i have the htc home on also. whenever i swipe it side to side the ultimate launcher doesnt repond and it takes me directly to icube. is this normal? can i run ultimate launcher + icube togehter without conflict? please help......
Ok i m not sure what the problem is. ive downloaded the cabs for the icube, including the configuration tool and now it seems to be sort of taking place of my ultimate launcher, wich i have the htc home on also. whenever i swipe it side to side the ultimate launcher doesnt repond and it takes me directly to icube. is this normal? can i run ultimate launcher + icube togehter without conflict? please help......

no not on your mgul sorry.... and bro your using quite a bit of ram and since the cube works that tells me that your running WM6 which tells me that your running stock......... i think you should go custom.... but once again to answer your question you cant run both of them at the same time.
Thanks for the quick reponse i kinda figured they woulnt work together, by the way when you say go custom, what do you mean by that? and why? right now im running WM6.1 rev a.
Thanks for the quick reponse i kinda figured they woulnt work together, by the way when you say go custom, what do you mean by that? and why? right now im running WM6.1 rev a.

custom roms are faster, more stable, lock onto gps faster, etc etc....... trust me bro you will love it!!1 look at the side menu and rom releases and you will see what im talking bout.
Re: Cube Config Tool 4.1 Working For ICUBE !

Ok... I am OCD and have to know before I go working on this.... LOL

1) Do I install the icube first or the config tool? Does it matter either way?

2) Can I do a hard reset afterwards and the phone go back to the original cube if I want it to?
i dont have the touch, but from what i know yes, hard rest sets ur phone back the original rom.. so if ur running a stock rom itll go back to the out of box factory settings. as for installing, id install the cube first..
Re: Cube Config Tool 4.1 Working For ICUBE !

Ok... I am OCD and have to know before I go working on this.... LOL

1) Do I install the icube first or the config tool? Does it matter either way?

2) Can I do a hard reset afterwards and the phone go back to the original cube if I want it to?

it doesnt matter what version you install first but just to let you know if you are running WM 6.1 you wont be able to use the icube....... all the past cubes dont work on 6.1 so many (myself included) resorted to the musicflo which can be found here:

and yes a hard reset will reset the cube :>
Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool

Where can i find what i need to rotate my htc customizer like a cube as shown in ur famous youtube video ultimate launcher
Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool

Where can i find what i need to rotate my htc customizer like a cube as shown in ur famous youtube video ultimate launcher

that doesnt have anything to do with the cube config tool....... i would read the thread on the ultimate launch.... you just add the plugin into the ultimate launch settings. theres even a video in the first post of the thread.
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

Hey Dash, Im new to this site(just joined yesterday) I was trying to DL the CCT 4.1 but it says I dont have access. Could you tell me what I need to do? Thanks man!
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

Hey Dash, Im new to this site(just joined yesterday) I was trying to DL the CCT 4.1 but it says I dont have access. Could you tell me what I need to do? Thanks man!

look at the last link in my signature and join the group members software.
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

Hey everyone... whatsup?

Okay, So I've been using the cct 4.1 for a while now, I got b4 I even joining this amazing site (yeah i know Ima kiss ass)... and it works pretty much as it should... so my question isnt really a problem but more of a how to...

I'm really confused about the Icon configuration, I've been trying to turn my cube into stricly my multimedia/ gaming cube... since I pretty much like having all my other programs in my program launcher. As cool as the cube was, it was pretty much pointless when I had all of those apps already at my i figured it be cool to have the cube strictly for gaming and multimedia stuff (i.e. music, t.v., psnes, guitar hero III etc)... and so far... Im loving that format... its pretty sweet. but My only problem is, as stated before... getting the icons to represent them.

Ive done some searching both here and online and I know it has something to do w/ saving images as Brn files (and a couple other file types) into the windows folder(i think)... but as still somewhat of a noob (shoot Im still scared to flash to my first custom it's kind of going over my head. ideallistically I'd like to just load up the images that come with the games Ive downloaded into the appropriate fields (like the Guitar hero III image that is showing in the program folder or the pockect snes image) is there any simplified way to do that? If so that would be awesome... if not, does anyone know where I can find like a cube configuration tool walkthrough? or "Icons for dumbies", lol... any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

Hey everyone... whatsup?

Okay, So I've been using the cct 4.1 for a while now, I got b4 I even joining this amazing site (yeah i know Ima kiss ass)... and it works pretty much as it should... so my question isnt really a problem but more of a how to...

I'm really confused about the Icon configuration, I've been trying to turn my cube into stricly my multimedia/ gaming cube... since I pretty much like having all my other programs in my program launcher. As cool as the cube was, it was pretty much pointless when I had all of those apps already at my i figured it be cool to have the cube strictly for gaming and multimedia stuff (i.e. music, t.v., psnes, guitar hero III etc)... and so far... Im loving that format... its pretty sweet. but My only problem is, as stated before... getting the icons to represent them.

Ive done some searching both here and online and I know it has something to do w/ saving images as Brn files (and a couple other file types) into the windows folder(i think)... but as still somewhat of a noob (shoot Im still scared to flash to my first custom it's kind of going over my head. ideallistically I'd like to just load up the images that come with the games Ive downloaded into the appropriate fields (like the Guitar hero III image that is showing in the program folder or the pockect snes image) is there any simplified way to do that? If so that would be awesome... if not, does anyone know where I can find like a cube configuration tool walkthrough? or "Icons for dumbies", lol... any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

all images have to be a brn file no questions asked..... and for the fact of making them just find or make in adobe photoshop........ why still use the cube when you can use the programs tab from touchflo and just add all of your games there?....
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

Heheheh...Well D/\SH truth be told... I could do that, and It would be a lot easier, but I honestly just thought It would be kinda cool and fun... something a lill different from everyone else... I mean having the cube prety much dedicated to all the cool and fun games (and I mean real games, not that solitare/bubble breaker stuff) that the touch is capable of playing.... and just leaving my program launcher for my more serious and most used programs like word, excel, opera, etc... Makes the phone seem like my serious and professional buissness tool but hidden beneath the surface a great multimedia/gaming toy. Kind of a cool concept... and since I first got it(the touch), even before i insalled touchflo i never used the cube much. I mean I liked it, its a cool concept, and the animations and such... but ultimatly it just seemed like a gimmik to sell the product because it just launched programs already in the launcher or program folder... But like I said, although kinda gimmky it was a cool lil function and I hated the thought of having any kind of functionality on my phone that was going to waste... so I figrued this was the best way to make it useful, and keep it cool. Lets face it in the overall scheme of things, the cube is not that important, and neither are games... but put them together and it becomes a really cool and fun add on... I think!

If, i wasnt such a noob and knew how to "develop", I'd just release that as an app/add on (when I'm done) and call it the "tf gaming cube"...matter of fact if anyone out there, wants to borrow that idea and run with it, feel free! (nudge nudge, wink wink ;))
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

Heheheh...Well D/\SH truth be told... I could do that, and It would be a lot easier, but I honestly just thought It would be kinda cool and fun... something a lill different from everyone else... I mean having the cube prety much dedicated to all the cool and fun games (and I mean real games, not that solitare/bubble breaker stuff) that the touch is capable of playing.... and just leaving my program launcher for my more serious and most used programs like word, excel, opera, etc... Makes the phone seem like my serious and professional buissness tool but hidden beneath the surface a great multimedia/gaming toy. Kind of a cool concept... and since I first got it(the touch), even before i insalled touchflo i never used the cube much. I mean I liked it, its a cool concept, and the animations and such... but ultimatly it just seemed like a gimmik to sell the product because it just launched programs already in the launcher or program folder... But like I said, although kinda gimmky it was a cool lil function and I hated the thought of having any kind of functionality on my phone that was going to waste... so I figrued this was the best way to make it useful, and keep it cool. Lets face it in the overall scheme of things, the cube is not that important, and neither are games... but put them together and it becomes a really cool and fun add on... I think!

If, i wasnt such a noob and knew how to "develop", I'd just release that as an app/add on (when I'm done) and call it the "tf gaming cube"...matter of fact if anyone out there, wants to borrow that idea and run with it, feel free! (nudge nudge, wink wink ;))

right i hear you there but the cube could be made into that piece by piece like we were talking or this way..... the only problem is that the games on the cube would have to be installed on the phone and into the right directory meaning storage card or in the main memories program files folder. (otherwise the game wouldnt launch from the cube because the shortcut would be different.... and if the person didnt want a certain game they would have to redo everything so thats what makes it really hard on your request.
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

yeah that makes sense... well this way works for me... now that I know i can use photoshop to make Brn files... ill just down load some images from google save em on my pc and then convert them to Brn... and drop them in the windows folder on my ppc....after that, ill be good to go... thanks for all the help!
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

yeah that makes sense... well this way works for me... now that I know i can use photoshop to make Brn files... ill just down load some images from google save em on my pc and then convert them to Brn... and drop them in the windows folder on my ppc....after that, ill be good to go... thanks for all the help!

no problem buddy hope all goes well for you.... and if that doesnt work there is a brn image converter somewhere at xda.... take a look for it on google and you will find no problem.
Re: Cube Config Tool 41 Working For ICUBE

This is odd, I get it to kinda work. Half the ICons are missing even tho their all in the file, and the animation betweed cube sides doesn't work. Wtf...