D/\SH'S Custom HTCHome Image Pack


Owner - Staff
Well heres my first release for the htc home customozer icons, tabs, weather, and clock fonts. these have been worked on over the past month or so and consist of bout 25 clocks and 15 weather and 15 tabs in this package. tell me what you guyz think about this.

this link all you have to do is open the hhc folder and copy the folders inside to the files into the home customizer folder named files and your done and will have all my customs and soe of my favorites. http://rapidshare.com/files/95301771/hhc.zip.html
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my hcc doesnt have these folders
where can i find these folders?
i have ur custom clocks and all but i dont kno where to put them?
i went to program files for the hcc folders but dont have anything there
my hcc doesnt have these folders
where can i find these folders?
i have ur custom clocks and all but i dont kno where to put them?
i went to program files for the hcc folders but dont have anything there

all you have to do is right click and extract foles to the desktop. than you will have an individual folder for each clock, tabs, weather set. than you click and drag over to the htc home customizer through activesync in the correct folders for each.
Any chance we could get a somewhat detailed installation guide? I'm not new by any means, I'm just lost on these files in particular. Where exactly do I install them? I don't see anything in my ActiveSync/File Explorer window, so where do I put them?
Any chance we could get a somewhat detailed installation guide? I'm not new by any means, I'm just lost on these files in particular. Where exactly do I install them? I don't see anything in my ActiveSync/File Explorer window, so where do I put them?

wow look above and follow the steps program files bro.
Where is the HTC Home Customizer...I swear I have seen It before...Not sure if it is a .cab I have to install or just a original on the phone. And All I do is drag say the clock folders after extracted into the HTC Home Customizer "clock folder"? I think I am real close just missing something.
htc home customizer is a cab justsearch teh site for it it should be ion thte tread call "dashs touch with links of mods" and you correct just drag the clock into the clock folder under program files for htc home cust
Ok I Have The Folders From The Zip Files. I See The Png Files, Can I Drop The Entire Folder Into The Customizer Or Do I Need To Do Them Individually!??
hey dash awesome work bro,,,is there a way to save these into the htc costumizer permanently like if we have to upgrade our rom I dont wanna have to re download the icons onto the folders. You know what I mean??
hey dash awesome work bro,,,is there a way to save these into the htc costumizer permanently like if we have to upgrade our rom I dont wanna have to re download the icons onto the folders. You know what I mean??

yeah go into the htc home customizer and copy and paste those folders and place them onto your storage card so in the future after hard reset you just download the cstomizer and than copy and paste the folders right on over.
alright new easy to use files and description have been aded to the first post. ( these are the same customs just easier to put onto phone.)