[MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

well if this actually does fly i might have to seriously consider taking a jump down and taking school wherever your store is :D
Re DASHT To Open Cell Shop

Congrats bro and good luck to ya. I was thinking something like "Cellular Enterprise" go global with it son... or "Everything Cellular!" "Dash's Mobile Enterprise" .. man...too many to choose from. This is a good link to check out on ways to come up with a good name for any company or new business.. check it out..
other than that, I think what will make your store different and what I would make note of and focus on is the modifications and unlocking etc you will offer that you can't get anywhere else in store. I mean there are a couple places here in Jax, Fl that unlock phones and stuff and sell used phones but you don't have to do much to be different from cell companies because none of them offer unlocking or themes or any of that really so I would make that be the highlight of services you offer that "those other guys" don't. Well I wish you the best and will put my thinking cap on and see what I come up with, I haven't put much thought into it I just happen to see the post so until then I'm sure you have a few ideas to choose from. That link makes a lot of sense though so you might want to check it out before your final decision.
JUST MOD IT, MOD IT, My Cell Store, My Cell Shop, Not The USUal, Can U Dig It, MODIFICATIONS, Not The Average, Just cellu-lish-ish, Cell-U-lish-ish, Idk just thinking
Nope nothing yet D/\SH. :o) waiting by the door tho lol

damn customs should be there very soon hopefully tomorrow since thats when the unlocker is coming out...... they always got to tie things up and make it take longer than necessary.
Re DASHT To Open Cell Shop

Personally I think you should stay away from "cellular", it seems somewhat archaic.

Having Junkie in the title would be cool.

Maybe Mobile Junkie or Wireless Junkie......maybe do MoJu or WiJu.
Re DASHT To Open Cell Shop

Ha ha, I like "Brain Cells" with a picture of a brain with a Bluetooth ear piece.

Dash, I would check out how the mod shops advertise their services. Don't look at other cell competitors, but check out how the car modders and motorcycle shops draw their clients.

I'd find a way to get hooked up with the local high schools and college campus' (maybe offer free classes in your store on modding after school once a week? Once you get people in, they will be looking for the latest and greatest phones from you and of course will be your greatest salesman, since they will be carrying around the coolest phones in school. You and I know most kids won't take the time to learn how to do it, so they will come in and just pay you to do it for them after seeing their friend's phone)

Think outside the box and steal the best ideas from other industries. Since you are not a direct competitor, I bet they will willingly share some awesome ideas for exposing your business and generating "buzz".

Best of luck and I wish you amazing success!
Re DASHT To Open Cell Shop

Name -- Mad DasH Wireless (MDC) Dash's Wireless Connection

You could serve coffee or bottle waters to waiting customers. Have a Plasma or LCD televisions for waiting customers with option of displaying AMJ site as well as bonus customizations which you charge extra for. The examples from you tube will help or refresh new videos especially if Probex comes on board, who does not like customizing themes on phone which seperate them from others like it. Another is like with the Pro you had multi color battery covers thats a good one. Grand opeing possible HTC Pro 2 Raffle in marketing strategy. oH # 1 idea hot girls working register and on floor but with some AMJ brains. AMJ shirts should be tight like hooters chicks J/K.

This is just a few thoughts hope everything in the planning process work for you good luck.
Re: Re DASHT To Open Cell Shop

Name -- Mad DasH Wireless (MDC) Dash's Wireless Connection

You could serve coffee or bottle waters to waiting customers. Have a Plasma or LCD televisions for waiting customers with option of displaying AMJ site as well as bonus customizations which you charge extra for. The examples from you tube will help or refresh new videos especially if Probex comes on board, who does not like customizing themes on phone which seperate them from others like it. Another is like with the Pro you had multi color battery covers thats a good one. Grand opeing possible HTC Pro 2 Raffle in marketing strategy. oH # 1 idea hot girls working register and on floor but with some AMJ brains. AMJ shirts should be tight like hooters chicks J/K.

This is just a few thoughts hope everything in the planning process work for you good luck.

so your saying a topless cell shop and i could open next to the community college... mmmm lots of stupid guys at the community college that want the cool phones, lots of chics to choose from and evaluate and train hahahah yess being boss rocks :boobies: and i make cash...... NICE!!
Re DASHT To Open Cell Shop

Since part of your sales will be in regards to modifying the handsets, or at least letting users know that the mods are there and that that there are many different options available, something to do with "overhaul" ~ like in video game speak.

You could offer free counseling for services or maybe get some of your local tech guys to come in with you and add services like that. Awesome networking there.

I would ask if you double checked if the carriers are gonna get miffed with you about modifying the handsets. Don't want you to get in trouble with that. You know that someone is gonna get pissy because you didn't give them something for free and call and whine to someone and put your butt in a jam.
I'm not feeling well, but I would be more than happy to drive to Michigan and kick some coed's butt for screwing your business up, but that's another story.... LOL

Total Overhauls by Dash or Dash's Total Overhauls .... Junkie Overhauls by Dash aka JOD

Electronic Overhauls by Dash

Dash's Junkie Electronic Overhauls


I dunno, I can keep going and going and going. As a point of note, our shop is simply called Premo's Electronics, but word of mouth advertising has us at the top of our game locally and the word is spreading, thanks to the web. Check it out on google and see what you find, marketing is an awesome thing! Didn't cost us anything, and didn't take very long to set it up. Besides, word of mouth advertising is something that is priceless, and you can't pay for advertising like that.

Topless girls, that's a great selling point anyways, doesn't matter what business you are in. I'd suggest those nice shirts with your graphics, where's Venum? Or Goku? Or any of those with the graphics aptitude. How about checking with Vinnie and seeing if you can hook up with anyone locally and set them up, that's awesome advertising there!

All the best in your new venture!
Re: Re DASHT To Open Cell Shop

Since part of your sales will be in regards to modifying the handsets, or at least letting users know that the mods are there and that that there are many different options available, something to do with "overhaul" ~ like in video game speak.

You could offer free counseling for services or maybe get some of your local tech guys to come in with you and add services like that. Awesome networking there.

I would ask if you double checked if the carriers are gonna get miffed with you about modifying the handsets. Don't want you to get in trouble with that. You know that someone is gonna get pissy because you didn't give them something for free and call and whine to someone and put your butt in a jam.
I'm not feeling well, but I would be more than happy to drive to Michigan and kick some coed's butt for screwing your business up, but that's another story.... LOL

Total Overhauls by Dash or Dash's Total Overhauls .... Junkie Overhauls by Dash aka JOD

Electronic Overhauls by Dash

Dash's Junkie Electronic Overhauls


I dunno, I can keep going and going and going. As a point of note, our shop is simply called Premo's Electronics, but word of mouth advertising has us at the top of our game locally and the word is spreading, thanks to the web. Check it out on google and see what you find, marketing is an awesome thing! Didn't cost us anything, and didn't take very long to set it up. Besides, word of mouth advertising is something that is priceless, and you can't pay for advertising like that.

Topless girls, that's a great selling point anyways, doesn't matter what business you are in. I'd suggest those nice shirts with your graphics, where's Venum? Or Goku? Or any of those with the graphics aptitude. How about checking with Vinnie and seeing if you can hook up with anyone locally and set them up, that's awesome advertising there!

All the best in your new venture!

thamks for the great ideas and glad to see you back on here :) im def looking into a few things you said cause you gaveme some ideas :) thanks hun
the idea is sick but if ur going to do make sure u have some dimes meeting the customers as they walk in kinda like a regular store but all sexy women the got the pros in the back like they said before sex sells

ps make sure they have some skimpy outfits like a string