I have been searching for a while now to try and get this theme to work, but i just cant figure it out.
At first i downloaded the theme and tried to install it, but then after installing it didnt work, so, i read up and saw that i needed to download the Manilla 2D program. I downloaded and installed it, i can open it up and it has the menu to apply themes and what not, so i assume its working properly.
I tried to reinstall the diamond theme cab (M Barvian touchflo 3d theme) when i noticed it says touchflo3d does this mean it can still work on a mogul? Because i thought only the toughflo2d themes worked on moguls?
Anyways i reinstalled this after i installed M2D and i see no place to apply the theme.
Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong? or if i need to search for another file?
edit- also im sorry i dont mean to be annoying, but i will actually listen and search for my own stuff,
other notes- i did install the skin to my device (not storage card)
do i have to disable touchflo before i install?