Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now!


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Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now!
yeah, HardSPL for CDMA Diamond is ready, just need to package it up into a userfriendly package. will do that in the evening.

though, I must mention, rebasing the SSPL was a real hard task, the GSM diamond was easier in some ways (and in others, not - anyway, you can get GSM version at xda-devs)...

there will be two HSPL's.

1. 0.43.MFG for the hackers, because otherwise, it is too old, apparently has screen issues in WM, which is easily fixed by a power off / on (suspend / resume) cycle. but it has mw, it has rtask, has lnbh, etc. etc.

2. 0.57 for other people, this has no screen issues.

(the SSPL is based on 0.43.)

thanks to tobeychris for testing. and it was fun to work with no2chem!

so stay tuned... & here are some photos until then...

also if you somehow wish to thank me with a donation, you can: click here

UPDATE: HardSPL is released... now!

thanks to tobeychris and ghettofreeryder for testing!


1) download Hard-SPL package from attachment, extract to an empty folder.
2) it is recommended you download only the DiamondC_HSPL057.zip unless you want to tinker with MFG SPL.
3) you must Have Phone Synced with PC in Windows Mobile!
4) run DiamondC_HSPL057.exe (or maybe 043, if you want to experiment with MFG SPL),
5) follow steps in the RUU, and check on the device for prompts after PC shows loading bar.
6) it should go to tricolour screen now and say SSPL0.43.CMONEX.
7) SPL flashes, device automatically reboots, job done.
8 ) to confirm you got it installed, go into bootloader mode (tricolour screen!) and verify the screen shows 0.57.CMONEX (or 0.43.CMONEX MFG).

NOTE: you will not see the SPL version during normal boot, that is the OS version, not SPL!
to enter bootloader mode to see version: with the device turned on, press and hold the volume down button along with the power button, then press the reset button with the stylus tip, then release the volume down and power buttons when bootloader tricolour screen appears.

NOTE 2: anyone having problems with the device entering SSPL automatically, please copy SSPLManual.exe from the SSPLManual.zip attachment to the device and run it. then once the screen is in SSPL, run RUU manually. i.e. you run the RUU on the PC, if it isn't obvious.

NOTE 3: this is unsigned Hard-SPL. no limitations on flashing ROMs or radio packages. also, this has overwrite protection, if someone needs to revert to stock SPL for warranty reasons, a stock SPL downgrade package will soon be posted.

NOTE 4: do not use this RUU to flash anything else! this is only intended for flashing the HardSPL.


Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

is this suppose to unlock my diamond ive done it and it went to a tricolor screen but i didnt get to see wat it said.. how do i know my phone is unlocked.. im scared lol help plz
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

is this suppose to unlock my diamond ive done it and it went to a tricolor screen but i didnt get to see wat it said.. how do i know my phone is unlocked.. im scared lol help plz

if you ran the unclocker and it went through the % bar and then restarted your phone then it is unlocked.
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

wow no installs and 1 thanks.................. depressing since i know many have used this.

i clicked it as installed and thanks for that man i guess i did it right!!
now i just need help putting the juggalo rom on but no one answered my wuestion on that thread yet!!

--------- New Post Merged on 31/1/2009 at 04:40:35 --------

if you ran the unclocker and it went through the % bar and then restarted your phone then it is unlocked.

i kno it restarted but the unclocker? i dont know about that.. or wat that is lol
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Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

i clicked it as installed and thanks for that man i guess i did it right!!
now i just need help putting the juggalo rom on but no one answered my wuestion on that thread yet!!

--------- New Post Merged on 31/1/2009 at 04:40:35 --------

i kno it restarted but the unclocker? i dont know about that.. or wat that is lol

first of all we have lives and you wont get an answer all the time within 3 minutes of you posting have some patience!!! second stop posting randomly and aimlessly across the boards. ask once and thats it. i will set a ip ban for life on you if you dont start to follow the rules..... im going to give an infraction now for all the rules you broke thus far...... so please in the future follow the rules or you will be banned.... ASK ONLY ONCE HINT HINT not in 5 threads on the same thing.... and why are you whining in this thread about the juggalo thread!!! stay on topic!!
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

whats up fellas, i have a question. what does unlocking this phone do? meaning if i unlock my diamond does that mean i can turn it into a metro pcs myself and just switch my number? please let me know asap, before i mess something up. i'm really eager to turn my sprint diamond into a metro pcs
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

whats up fellas, i have a question. what does unlocking this phone do? meaning if i unlock my diamond does that mean i can turn it into a metro pcs myself and just switch my number? please let me know asap, before i mess something up. i'm really eager to turn my sprint diamond into a metro pcs

no it doesnt mean that..... it allows you to flash custom roms. all this does is unlock the bootloader so the custom roms that you flash are allowed to be flashed to the phone because on the stock bootloader you would get security isues and woudlnt be allowed to flash.
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

so if i unlock my diamond does that mean i can switch it to a metro pcs myself?

--------- New Post Merged on 7/3/2009 at 08:57:14 --------

my bad. thanks dash. so is it away i can turn it into a metro pcs myself or if not. is it away i can make the internet and pic mail work myself
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Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

so if i unlock my diamond does that mean i can switch it to a metro pcs myself?

--------- New Post Merged on 7/3/2009 at 08:57:14 --------

my bad. thanks dash. so is it away i can turn it into a metro pcs myself or if not. is it away i can make the internet and pic mail work myself

please post in the correct thread since this has nothing to do with the topic than your questions will be answered.
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

Hey whats up guys well I tried to install this but I couldnt and just wanted to see if you guys can help. So I downloaded the zip file for the hardSPL and I got an unrecognizable file so I tried to rename it as an exe (dont know if thats what Im supposed to do) but it didnt do anything. I also tried to download the SSPL file but it said "Unexpected error end of archive" or something like that. If you guys could help that would be great and sorry if this is a noob question.
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

Hey whats up guys well I tried to install this but I couldnt and just wanted to see if you guys can help. So I downloaded the zip file for the hardSPL and I got an unrecognizable file so I tried to rename it as an exe (dont know if thats what Im supposed to do) but it didnt do anything. I also tried to download the SSPL file but it said "Unexpected error end of archive" or something like that. If you guys could help that would be great and sorry if this is a noob question.

First off do u have winrar?If u dont please do the search itll come right up download it and open the zip with winrar
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

First off do u have winrar?If u dont please do the search itll come right up download it and open the zip with winrar

yup as jr said above you need winrar to be able to open rar and zip files.... once you get that you will see that insdie the zip file there is the file that you need to run.
Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now

First off do u have winrar?If u dont please do the search itll come right up download it and open the zip with winrar

Yeah I do have winrar, but when I try to run whats inside the zip it doesnt recognize the file. It asks me to open it with another application.