Duke Nukem 3D v0.4c


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Duke Nukem 3D v0.4c


Requirements: Pocket PC WMCE,WM2003(se) (not sure for wm2005)
Overview: This is the port of 3D Realms Duke Nukem 3D to Smartphone/Pocket PC platforms.
I'd like to thank them for releasing these sources and make this game available on lots of platforms.
Also I'd like to thank Ryan C. Gordon for kindly answering my emails and my question about porting stuffs and helping me.
Also special thanks to Josh Anderson for answering lots of my questions. And also I have used some of his codes.


Download Instructions:
Simply extract the game binaries in any place you like (SD Card, Memory, etc.) and extract the DUKE3D.GRP in the same folder! (without this file the game can't be played).

Game binaries: http://rapidshare.com/files/45662495/spvDuke3D_0.4g.cab (457 KB)
Binaries mirror: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bwwmzq

Complete DUKE3D.GRP file!: http://rapidshare.com/files/45664438/DUKE3D.cab (16,8 MB, this isn't a shareware version) or
DUKE3D.GRP file Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=HVJV2TXH
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Duke Nukem 3D 0.4g (updated version for you.)
Requirements: Pocket PC WM2003, WM2003SE, WM5. qVGA or VGA it's supported.
Overview: This is the port of 3D Realms Duke Nukem 3D optimized for Pocket PC platforms, this include an "X" on the corner to exit the game. Include music and complete sound.
It's suggested the use of external keyboard for best user performace.

More Info: To play the game it's neccessary the DUKE3D.GRP file on the same game folder. This has been tested succesfully on Axim x51v.
Edit the DUKE3D.cfg file for custom options.
http://www.modaco.com/spvDuke3d-v04cwith-t109621.html (Search on this thread for 0.4g version)

Download Instructions:
Simply extract the game binaries in any place you like (SD Card, Memory, etc.) and extract the DUKE3D.GRP in the same folder! (without this file the game can't be played).

Game binaries: http://rapidshare.com/files/45662495/spvDuke3D_0.4g.cab (457 KB)
Binaries mirror: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bwwmzq

Complete DUKE3D.GRP file!: http://rapidshare.com/files/45664438/DUKE3D.cab (16,8 MB, this isn't a shareware version) or
DUKE3D.GRP file Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=HVJV2TXH

Extract with WinRAR or any other CAB software extraction.
The game is awesome, but i need help with the controls. I am using the Touch and i can't seem to exit any of the screens with out pulling the battery, and I can't seem to find any of the other action buttons. Is there a control setting that I can utilize to assign control buttons? I love the game need a little help...
The game is awesome, but i need help with the controls. I am using the Touch and i can't seem to exit any of the screens with out pulling the battery, and I can't seem to find any of the other action buttons. Is there a control setting that I can utilize to assign control buttons? I love the game need a little help...

most games are better used for the touch. the best games to use for the touch is to use the ones that use the emulator that have onscreen buttons for the game.
i tried installing it on my mogul (runnig wm6.1) it says installation is unsuccessful. Not sure if it works on wm6 or wm6.1 although kingdom got it to work on the touch...not sure how? Kingdom whats going on? Anything i should do to get it to work?
i tried installing it on my mogul (runnig wm6.1) it says installation is unsuccessful. Not sure if it works on wm6 or wm6.1 although kingdom got it to work on the touch...not sure how? Kingdom whats going on? Anything i should do to get it to work?

try the new links i just tried this successfully myself. (install)
i tiried the rapidhare one thats says Complete Duke. I am gonna try the megaupload link now. if not ill try others ... I love this game..LMAO!

Ok i got it to work! Except i having the same problem. as the other member had said. Is there is a way to customize the controls? I love the gaffix!
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it was unsuccessfully installed on both links. what should I do I would like this game. I have the cab's but don't work
Re: Duke Nukem 3D v04c

I put it on my main memory and didn't work. then I put it on my sd card didn't work. I put it on my pc at home then I put it back on my phone and it worked. the only thing I have to ask now is how do I set up the keys? when I click on the game it just straight to playing and I can't control anything.
Re: Duke Nukem 3D v04c

I put it on my main memory and didn't work. then I put it on my sd card didn't work. I put it on my pc at home then I put it back on my phone and it worked. the only thing I have to ask now is how do I set up the keys? when I click on the game it just straight to playing and I can't control anything.

why dont you check out the settings and see what they say........
Re: Duke Nukem 3D v04c

u know dash if I could use the setting or even seen the setting I would have not asked what I did. there is no option for setting or am I missing something?
Re: Duke Nukem 3D v04c

hey dash is the setup 32bit or 64bit?.... because it's not letting me run the setup.
I know but I can't run the set up on my phone so I tried to do it like other programes load it on my pc and it installs into the phone but wouldn't work. the problem im having is all I have is the demo and that's why I can't use the setting.
I know but I can't run the set up on my phone so I tried to do it like other programes load it on my pc and it installs into the phone but wouldn't work. the problem im having is all I have is the demo and that's why I can't use the setting.

than register the program..... look inside the zip at the readme or the nfo file like any warez release.
Re: Duke Nukem 3D v04c

how do I do that? when I click on it it goes straight to the demo. I've read the read me and it says u need parts of the real game to work and when I did that it messed it all up. so im lost. but this will be the last time I mess with it. if I ccant get it to work after u explane to how to do it im not going to bother with it and im going to delete it.
Re: Duke Nukem 3D v04c

omg! this game is awesome! took me a while to get the hand of it but when i did i had a blast! :) thanks again D/\SH! kisses to you for all ur hard work ;)