Fake Call is a program that is intended to give Treo 600 owners a way to escape impromptu office meetings and unwanted social interactions using the Treo -- by simulating incoming phone calls! With your phone in your pocket, press and hold a hard key and voila! A call will materialize from anyone you want, your phone will light up like a Christmas tree, your faovirite ringtone will sound and, when you accept your fake call, an active call screen identical to a real one will display and a voice will be heard on the other end of the line! This program is a true escape from any unwanted situation!
here is the patched version "no nags"...
# Authentic incoming screen
# Set an appointment in the Contacts to activate the fakecall
# Set delay time before FakeCall is activated
# Builtin 4 default greeting voice sounds
# Comboination hard key to activate
# Play MP3/OGG/WMA/Wav as ringtone requires PocketTunes 2.3.2
# Support MIDI ringtone
# Very simple User Interface
-You can now set an appointment in the Calendar application to trigger
the Fake call. To do this just put the keyword "fakecall" in the appointment
time eg: if you want to activate the fake call at 11:30am then put the keyword
"fakecall" as the description. Do not set an alarm for the appointment.
You will need to assign the ringtone for the first Key Activation in the ringtone screen.
Fake call will use the first ringtone in the Key Activation screen.
-Removed the pre-recorded greetings. you will have to assign a custom greeting.
This reduces the size of FakeCall to about 35K from 250K.
here is the patched version "no nags"...
# Authentic incoming screen
# Set an appointment in the Contacts to activate the fakecall
# Set delay time before FakeCall is activated
# Builtin 4 default greeting voice sounds
# Comboination hard key to activate
# Play MP3/OGG/WMA/Wav as ringtone requires PocketTunes 2.3.2
# Support MIDI ringtone
# Very simple User Interface
-You can now set an appointment in the Calendar application to trigger
the Fake call. To do this just put the keyword "fakecall" in the appointment
time eg: if you want to activate the fake call at 11:30am then put the keyword
"fakecall" as the description. Do not set an alarm for the appointment.
You will need to assign the ringtone for the first Key Activation in the ringtone screen.
Fake call will use the first ringtone in the Key Activation screen.
-Removed the pre-recorded greetings. you will have to assign a custom greeting.
This reduces the size of FakeCall to about 35K from 250K.