Palm WebOs fileCoaster First On Pre GUI Downloader/Installer 112 NNR 20/11


Owner - Staff
I have created the first Palm Pre GUI downloader/installer that does not require ROOT access.

Step by Step guide with pictures on how to install!

First all you need to do is install the .ipk with the SDK (if you already have it and are familiar with the palm.bat files) or WebOS Quick Installer (if you do not have the SDK and like GUI's).

1. Select the application you wish to install.
2. Tap the download button.


1. Enter the url of the file you wish to download.
2. Press the download button.

images will be stored in the wallpapers folder, ipks will be downloaded and installed and prc's will be placed in the appropriate classic directory.

You can also download any other file you want on the net including mp3's.

The files get stored into /media/internal/downloads and after you install the IPK it gets deleted to save space.

Images (jpg,png,jpeg,gif - get saved to the /media/internal/wallpapers folder or if you connect as usb drive the /wallpapers folder.)

PRC's get added to Classic install.

MP3's and everything else get stored in the /media/internal/downloads folder (or if you connect your pre as a USB drive it will be in the /downloads folder) ** I have tested this successfully and was able to have the Music player recognize the new mp3 download **

This application is Closed Source. Please do not modify/copy/alter/re-distribute without permission from the author.

This application is AS IS and is only intended to be used to download beta applications from This is not an app catalog and you should use Palms App Catalog to sell your applications.

This is for application testing only.

Donations are greatly appreciated and can be donated HERE!. Again thank you ALL for your continued support!

*** If the app list is not loading, reboot the phone as the palm connection agent gets tied up sometimes.
This does install the My Tether application ONLY, it DOES NOT install the My Tether Service. Palm does not allow services to be installed without rooting as of yet. HOWEVER when you install My Tether via fileCoaster your pre will freeze / be slow until you close fileCoaster and re-open it. I believe this is caused by fileCoaster trying to install the My Tether service but not being able to.

Also it seems to only install applications created via the palm-package.bat file. The previous 'How to package manually' posted on the predev wiki DOES NOT work with this applications. If you have issues installing an application post here to see if others installed it successfully.

You may have to many applications stalled or not enough memory.



* Fixed URL install issues.


* Fixed install issue caused by 1.3.1
* Created temp fix for 10 second function timeout which appeared in 1.3.1
* Code no longer obfuscated but still copyrighted (however i warn you the code is ugly since it was my first app)


* Fixed update check bug


* Fixed email issues


TODO: Please do not post requests to have version checking as it is already in the works.


  • Added notification of new updates
  • Added Sorting
  • Added Categories
  • Added number of downloads
  • Added reasoning for spinning wheel (cannot fix, as it is a ajax/palm issue)
  • Fixed timing issue
  • Fixed date issue
  • Fixed other small tweaks


  • Sorted by latest release date
  • Type in keywords to find applications easier
  • Added application information
  • Added better screenshot browsing support
  • You will now be told when applications cannot be installed due to lack of space (Palm only allows 60 non palm apps to be installed in /var, installing outside of /var could cause the applications to not work properly)


  • Added v2 application list
  • Supports .prc downloads
  • Pre now recognizes downloaded images


  • Improved download failure and install failure checking.
  • Now supports URLs with spaces in the URL.
  • Homebrew-Apps button now uses the mobile site.
  • FEATURE: Next release should have version checking to see if you have the lastest release of fileCoaster.


  • Added copy/paste improvements. Simply shake the phone to clear the input box. Then when the input box is clear you shake the pre again and it will paste what is on the clielboriyorkeroard.
  • Added improved status checking for file errors
  • Changed location where images are stored (still needs improvements so the Photo app will detect downloaded content)
  • Added Donations Link.
  • Added timeout checking to prevent stuck downloads. (improvements still being made.


  • Initial release
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Re: fileCoaster - First On Pre GUI Downloader/Installer 1.12 NNR

this new version is awesome!!!! wow im very impressed with this and no need to copy and paste you can just click on the app and than click download now....... you can even update through this app and it will tell yo uthe apps that you have installed which have a newer version!! this is great and would be awesome to see in the wm version imo.