look everytime i try and right click the nbh folder to copy and then paste it into the ruu folder it wont let me. it just says extract and alll that hooblah so i cant figure out how to get it into that folder...me and rarr folders are the greatest
got it had to extract the folder and then the nbh file to my folder for my active sync so that i could just move the nbh folder into there. it wouldnt let me do that with winrar. man im a genius courtesy of you!
The link to the unlocker doesn't seem to work:
# The page that you are trying to view is private and need admin permission to view
look at the last link in my signature on the groups and sign up for that group and give me time to approve and you will be golden. also the link is ifind i just reupped a couple hours ago.
hey dash
so uhhh i live in canada and i guess none of the roms on this site would work for me would they? like would i have to be in range of a sprint tower?
so as long as i soft reset before the customization options come up i will be good?
trying to flash the Sprint ROM onto the 6800, followed the directions (ran splunlocker, loaded ROM) but it keeps getting stuck at 0% and says Communication Error, my computer is not going to sleep, what gives?
well thats the problem you only unlock the phone is flashing custom rom and the 3.35 is the stock rom. relock nad than flash to the 3.35 sprint rom and than unlock and go to 6.1 if you choose.
Sorry I wasn't clear, I'm on the Verizon network, So I have to unlock the phone and then load the sprint 3.35 rom right?
correct you have to unlock the phone flash to the 3.35 rom and than once you do that go to 6.1 you iwll be fine i have done very many verizon phones for customers. and vista can cause a problem too sometimes.
yeah that's what I'm doing, I'm using Windows XP
and right now all I'm doing is just trying to flash the 3.35 rom on
closest I've gotten is 1% then I get a communication error, ActiveSync searching for a USB has been disabled, should i leave that on?