Blackberry Entertainment software : Flipside
Flipside is some kind of itunes clone for blackberry, it gives you the possibility to scroll through the covers of your CDs and start them by just clicking on it. This interface is one of the things which make flipside for blackbery so cool. You will really love this MP3 player for your blackberry and i don't think you will ever switch back to the original built-in MP3 player‚¦. FlipSide plays music in MP3, M4A and AAC formats, and allows users to create their own playlist. The only thing you need further is a SD card with all your coolest tracks.

Flipside is some kind of itunes clone for blackberry, it gives you the possibility to scroll through the covers of your CDs and start them by just clicking on it. This interface is one of the things which make flipside for blackbery so cool. You will really love this MP3 player for your blackberry and i don't think you will ever switch back to the original built-in MP3 player‚¦. FlipSide plays music in MP3, M4A and AAC formats, and allows users to create their own playlist. The only thing you need further is a SD card with all your coolest tracks.