forget the Instinct and the iphone

first off the mogul is a great fone and everything but it is definately not better than the iphone. The mogul cannot compete with the iphone graphically and application wise. Everything on here mad by dash and everyone else is just copied from the Iphone. apple came up with everything first like s2u, ifonz, vtap aka mobile youtube, scrolling contacts, scrolling internet, tabbed browsing, EVERY single upgrade the iphone did first and then people figured out how to do it on windows devices. dash coders and all them are great for figuring out how to implment them on moguls and such...but apple and iphone had every single advancement first
first off the mogul is a great fone and everything but it is definately not better than the iphone. The mogul cannot compete with the iphone graphically and application wise. Everything on here mad by dash and everyone else is just copied from the Iphone. apple came up with everything first like s2u, ifonz, vtap aka mobile youtube, scrolling contacts, scrolling internet, tabbed browsing, EVERY single upgrade the iphone did first and then people figured out how to do it on windows devices. dash coders and all them are great for figuring out how to impelment them on moguls and such...but apple and iphone had every single advancement first

naw the iphone cant touch the mogul and touch...... but this wasnt the topic of the thread so lets keep it on topic........ thanks bro for the compliments and i do my thang you know.
first off the mogul is a great fone and everything but it is definately not better than the iphone. The mogul cannot compete with the iphone graphically and application wise. Everything on here mad by dash and everyone else is just copied from the Iphone. apple came up with everything first like s2u, ifonz, vtap aka mobile youtube, scrolling contacts, scrolling internet, tabbed browsing, EVERY single upgrade the iphone did first and then people figured out how to do it on windows devices. dash coders and all them are great for figuring out how to implment them on moguls and such...but apple and iphone had every single advancement first

wtf!!!! what is this guy smoking!!!!
WTF!!I NEVER IN MY LIFE HEARD SUCH RUBBISH... LOL, ill give u iphone came up with the app's but dash and the rest of the AMJunkies came up with ways to not only master the programs, but IMPROVE THEM. my mogul is way more customizable then the iphone will ever b !! i think not only r u smoking good shit, but ur holding out on the rest of us... lol ! all i can say good about the iphone is the screen is way more brighter and visible in direct sun... thats it !! now if u wanna see a REAL challange look out for my post titled: HTC TOUCH DIAMOND vs. SAMSUNG I900 OMNIA: battle of the century
I'm new to this site and was totally blown away with the vast ways to make my HTC Touch completely better than both of them.. D/\SH and the rest of the guys are freakin GENIOUSES

I have to agree. I almost traded my Touch for an Instinct until I found one of Dash's videos on youtube and then found this site. I've learned a lot about using the programs to customize my Touch and everyone here has done a great job of getting stuff and explaining things.
I have Tmo so I have the Wing and I wouldn't even trade that for the Iphone and the Mogul is way better than the Wing.
First I Heard Of Ths Place Was Through Big Jew's Youtube Video And Evr Since I Log N Evryday,plus Dash (which Name Fits Perfectly Cause He Answers U B4 U Give Him A ?) I Only Been On For A Month And Others Envy My New Tech. 4 My Mogul Thx Spj!
First I Heard Of Ths Place Was Through Big Jew's Youtube Video And Evr Since I Log N Evryday,plus Dash (which Name Fits Perfectly Cause He Answers U B4 U Give Him A ?) I Only Been On For A Month And Others Envy My New Tech. 4 My Mogul Thx Spj!

hahaha no problem and check out my videos under the htc utube above the chatbox on the main page which you can access by clicking the site banner with mogul dude.
Yeah I found this site from D/\SH's videos on YouTube! Made me love my Mogul even more! My new Touch now too lol
But thanks D/\SH! I appreciate all the work you put in every day.(I have ran my own forums before and its not all that easy)
ok before i get into ripping apart everything that you said i must say that everyone is entitled to their opinion and everything i am about to say is with utmost respect... but that being said... ... ... that was the most retarded opinion i have ever heard concerning a smart phone! i carried an i phone for 6 months and i never used a slower more buggier device (in such a beautiful case) in my freaking life. it froze every day and brought internet speed to an all time despicable low... granted they came out with some cool places to touch with my fingers but i had those already on other pda's and tablet pc's long before iphone was conceived! so dont give me the crap they came out with it first. they released a piece of metal that was the worst 400 bucks i never wanted to spend. the only good thing i have to say about that phone is that people were stupid enough to buy it off me for more than i paid for it... and they have come thru again with this failed launch of the 3g and bricking original iphones just over a firmware update. i must add there are millions in cst who still dont have theirs working!!! the best phone out right now on any carrier with the best apps and fastest speeds and best coverage for the best price is the mogul on the sprint network!!! try again later iphone!!! everybody shout out for windows mobile and the htc mogul!!! and bow down to the release of the htc diamond, touch pro and any other smart phone without an I in front of it.
p.s. im sorry but you asked for it.
i played around with all three and must say that i like the touch hands down. mainly due to its ability to customize. the iphone is nice buts its all hype and the instinct wasnt as responsive as the touch was. just my opinion