I am a lil Bias for Sprint since I work for them, but I do believe the iphone is a nice phone. the way it's integrated with software is honestly 2nd to none. I do however believe you do not have to re-invent the wheel to make a good app even better like a lot of the developers here have done. you wouldn't see a tire designer start from scratch everytime a new tread design comes out, would you?
I do think Sprints phones are the most customizable phones out there thanks to site like this one, so for that, i'm def not going anywhere else, nor jumping ship for an iphone just because of it's nieve popularity.
just my 2 cents of course - milage may vary
I do think Sprints phones are the most customizable phones out there thanks to site like this one, so for that, i'm def not going anywhere else, nor jumping ship for an iphone just because of it's nieve popularity.
just my 2 cents of course - milage may vary