forget the Instinct and the iphone

I am a lil Bias for Sprint since I work for them, but I do believe the iphone is a nice phone. the way it's integrated with software is honestly 2nd to none. I do however believe you do not have to re-invent the wheel to make a good app even better like a lot of the developers here have done. you wouldn't see a tire designer start from scratch everytime a new tread design comes out, would you?

I do think Sprints phones are the most customizable phones out there thanks to site like this one, so for that, i'm def not going anywhere else, nor jumping ship for an iphone just because of it's nieve popularity.

just my 2 cents of course - milage may vary
I really do like Sprint.. There customer service not so much... but other then that Sprint is pretty good! There phones are really nice in my opinion.
I love my Touch, I loved my Mogul, Even my Sanyo Katana was really really really nice for a flip phone.

Anyways I also like the iPhone! It is a nice phone.. I am not saying I am going to buy one or anything because I am married to Sprint for another 2 years anyways and I like Sprint for the most part and the phones but I am still saying the iPhone is a nice phone ... Definitely not as customizable as the Spritn phones by ANY means especially the WinMo phones of course.

But the iPhone is still a good phone.. It is not something to jump through hoops for by any means.. The only reason it is succeeding is because it is SO user friendly.. You do not have to tweak, edit, change anything on the iPhone for it to do what you want.. If it wasnt for that and the fancy UI it would not be winning at all.. not even close.. WinMo can do so much more though! I love chaning my phone every week!
iphone ok i like the way you can edit pics and how big and bright the screen is. if it wasnt for D/\SHs vid on youtube I would of jumped shipped to the iphone because i was bored with my mogul. Thanks D/\SH you saved my cellular life. :yahoo:After seeing the level of customization windows mobile phones have im hooked. besides htc diamond and touch pro is gonna own the idrone.

iphone: a clone walking into a wall without a soul.
iphone ok i like the way you can edit pics and how big and bright the screen is. if it wasnt for D/\SHs vid on youtube I would of jumped shipped to the iphone because i was bored with my mogul. Thanks D/\SH you saved my cellular life. :yahoo:After seeing the level of customization windows mobile phones have im hooked. besides htc diamond and touch pro is gonna own the idrone.

iphone: a clone walking into a wall without a soul.

hahahha glad you didnt leave the darkside and that i was part of the choice.