FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month


Hello guys, I have SERO 500 plan I'm looking to transfer/sale. It will be only $80 for the plan only. What the plan includes is list below. Also, you must have a Sprint phone (no Palm Pre, Samsung Instinct, or Blackberries) upon the transfer of liability (TOL). Don't have a phone? Let me know as for we can work something out. As for the transaction, I can accept these type of customers for the time being:

1) Excellent feedback w/ history (you may pay me after you obtain the plan)
2) Local customers (around Boston, MA or Southeastern MA area - can meet up at a Sprint store to do TOL or at a restaurant doing a 3-way phone call to Sprint)
3) No/low feedback (like me!) members (pay half before transaction and half after you get the plan)

Plan Includes:
500 Anytime Minutes
Unlimited Data
Unlimited Text Messaging
Unlimited Picture Mail
Unlimited Nights & Weekends 7PM - 7AM
Unlimited Mobile to Mobile (Sprint, Nextel, Boost)
Nationwide Long Distance
Nationwide Roaming
$30 per month

Well.. that is that. PM me with any questions or concerns you may have.




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how does the TOL work? im without contract with sprint right now and have an 18% employee discount on my bill(i dont' work for sprint). Im interested :)

It is like a 50/50 chance of adding a employer discount on a SERO plan as for Sprint supposed not to give discount upon a discounted plan. So far, I have done 2 TOL over the phone, they have a duration of 16 mins and 22 min respectively. Basically, I call up Sprint and tell the rep I want to TOL my plan over to a friend, the rep contact other party and get their information and see if the other party is eligible to add another line to his/her account, then the rep will confirm and make sure everything went through from me to the other party. Briefly, that is how the TOL works over the phone.

how the hell can you sale a sero plan ? i mean i don't need it. i have the employee discount (from my employer) across the board which i m happy with.

It is called transfer of liability (TOL). I owned the plan and requested Sprint to TOL my SERO 500 plan to another account holder.
It is like a 50/50 chance of adding a employer discount on a SERO plan as for Sprint supposed not to give discount upon a discounted plan. So far, I have done 2 TOL over the phone, they have a duration of 16 mins and 22 min respectively. Basically, I call up Sprint and tell the rep I want to TOL my plan over to a friend, the rep contact other party and get their information and see if the other party is eligible to add another line to his/her account, then the rep will confirm and make sure everything went through from me to the other party. Briefly, that is how the TOL works over the phone.

It is called transfer of liability (TOL). I owned the plan and requested Sprint to TOL my SERO 500 plan to another account holder.

cool ...i heard story about it..but good luck...
It is like a 50/50 chance of adding a employer discount on a SERO plan as for Sprint supposed not to give discount upon a discounted plan. So far, I have done 2 TOL over the phone, they have a duration of 16 mins and 22 min respectively. Basically, I call up Sprint and tell the rep I want to TOL my plan over to a friend, the rep contact other party and get their information and see if the other party is eligible to add another line to his/her account, then the rep will confirm and make sure everything went through from me to the other party. Briefly, that is how the TOL works over the phone.

It is called transfer of liability (TOL). I owned the plan and requested Sprint to TOL my SERO 500 plan to another account holder.

ok so how do we start then?, being that i don't have a contract with them it could be applied to my current line right, or would they force me to open up a new line?

one more question, how far until your contract expires?
Okay guys, I will do first come first serve basis, PM me if you want to contact me through the phone, set up an appointment to do the TOL, or anything that is personal. Also, I will only deal with one TOL/person at a time. I just want everything to be smooth as possible and completely finish with one person until moving over to another person.

It seem like I can't edit my OP, but here is some of the requirements that you (party B) must have to have done prior to the TOL:

1) If you have an account with Sprint already, call them up and make sure you are eligible to add additional line to your account. When I TOL my Sprint SERO plan to you, you now have theat "additional line".

2) If you don't have an account with Sprint or new customer, please visit your local Sprint corporate store and set up an account there. You don't need to buy any phone or any plan yet. All you need to do is provide your personal information, social security, etc. so they can see if you have good/bad credit and if you qualify for an account with Sprint now/later (all wireless contracted companies got to credit check you prior to giving you their service).

3) Must have a Sprint phone prior to the TOL. You can not have a phone-less account. You must register a phone with a clean/clear ESN (not reported as lost/stolen, account delinquency, etc.), hence, it must be clean. It is pretty cheap to find all sort of phone on this forum or on Craigslist.org... just shop around.

4) Until further notice..

How the TOL works:

Basically, I call up Sprint and tell them that I want to do a transfer of liability of phone number xxx-xxx-xxxx, after they verified that I'm the account holder. Then, the rep ask me who I'm going to do the TOL to, so that is when I tell the other party's name and number. Sprint will put put me on hold and contact the other party and check them up (account, pin, etc) and ask if he/she (party b) wanted a plan to be transfer from me (party a) over. Confirmed by party a and the rep will double check with me if I'm certain about the TOL. Confirmed by me and rep will do the transfer and the hard work. After a short wait, the transfer is successful and everyone is set to go.*

Please note that when I did my TOL in the past, the Sprint rep only talk to one party/person at a time. So when the rep talks to party b, I don't hear anything about their conversation as but only the Sprint music while I'm put on hold. All in all, the TOL should be somewhat like the scenario I mention above.

Thanks for your cooperation and understand,


ok so how do we start then?, being that i don't have a contract with them it could be applied to my current line right, or would they force me to open up a new line?

one more question, how far until your contract expires?

Usually, it should be around 23 months.

I will do it, I work for Sprint I have one line right now, but room for more. The account is ion my name. So if it can work I will do it. If we find out it can be done, I will pay you half and half no problem.

Did Sprint qualify you for additional lines? If you have good credits or pay your bills accordingly, you shouldn't have a problem qualifying for additional lines.

To everyone else:
Once I have answered all your questions, concerns and that you met all the requirements prior to a TOL, make sure you PM me your name, phone number (needed because Sprint will call you up) and when you will be available to do the TOL. I will try my best to do the TOL at your requested date/time, but if not, we will work out another time that is best for us both. If you are local, however, let me know where you are located so we can schedule an appointment somewhere.

--------- New Post Merged on 8/8/2009 at 10:18:33 --------

ok so how do we start then?, being that i don't have a contract with them it could be applied to my current line right, or would they force me to open up a new line?

one more question, how far until your contract expires?

Sorry, I forgot to address your other question about current line/new contract. How this will work is that once I TOLed my SERO to you, you will have another line/contract under your account/name. Say, you right now have 777-777-7777 line that is out of contract until you renew/upgrade. When you receive my SERO account, 888-888-8888 number, you will have a contract on that line only. If one week has past and you decided to cancel the 7's account, you will not be charged with any early termination fees (ETF) as for you are already out of contract for that line. With the 7's cancelled out, the only line/account you have under your name is the SERO 8's number. I hope that I answered your question and let me know if you have anything else.
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It is like a 50/50 chance of adding a employer discount on a SERO plan as for Sprint supposed not to give discount upon a discounted plan. So far, I have done 2 TOL over the phone, they have a duration of 16 mins and 22 min respectively. Basically, I call up Sprint and tell the rep I want to TOL my plan over to a friend, the rep contact other party and get their information and see if the other party is eligible to add another line to his/her account, then the rep will confirm and make sure everything went through from me to the other party. Briefly, that is how the TOL works over the phone.

It is called transfer of liability (TOL). I owned the plan and requested Sprint to TOL my SERO 500 plan to another account holder.

this is correct i did this with tweety :)
I just PM'ed you Jason

Yes, Harold is first in line for this. Will update the waiting list (if it gets any longer) and my status (completed or not) with fanaticny (Harold).


Another update to future transactions:

Can you make sure you can transfer via PayPal balance, bank transfer by PayPal, or e-check through PayPal? I have a personal, verified PayPal account and don't want to upgrade it to a premier or business account... thanks for your understanding. MOD: If requesting non-credit card PayPal payment is against the rule, please let me know and I'll make some accommodations.

Also, you don't have to pay upfront if you want to if I feel that you have adequate posts/thanks/thanked/join date/etc. since most members on this forum rarely have much feedback to show their true side. So yeah.. just making this simplier for everyone. Matter fact, I'm giving fanaticny (Harold) an option to pay by PayPal after the TOL, as I feel the trust is there :)

Thank you,

P.S. Sorry for all these updates, I guess I can't make up my mind sometime! :ghost:
are blackberry allowed on the line? if so i'm in. i'm out of contract right now and would love to have it.
you would ahve to convince them to add that to the line and its hard to do.... i have seen some for sale but people want way too much for them... i would have one if i could get them to add it for me.
are blackberry allowed on the line? if so i'm in. i'm out of contract right now and would love to have it.

you would ahve to convince them to add that to the line and its hard to do.... i have seen some for sale but people want way too much for them... i would have one if i could get them to add it for me.

Yes, it is hard to add Blackberry internet services (BIS) nowaday. It is doable, but too much risk and work getting it through Sprint. So TAR, I'm sorry but I would say Blackberry phones does not work on the SERO I'm trying to TOL here.
Scheduled to do a TOL with fanaticny tomorrow @ around 4 PM. Will take more request if there is any :)

--------- New Post Merged on 11/8/2009 at 07:27:35 --------

Success! Transferred the SERO to fanaticny on 08/11/2009 at around 7:00 AM EST. My duration of the TOL was 19:05 with an American lady. The previous two Indian representatives gave us a fuss.. argh!

--------- New Post Merged on 11/8/2009 at 07:28:37 --------

I meant 7:00 PM!!! Just can't edit my previous post...
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I can confirm this, and Jason is hilarious. I recommend if talking to sprint indian reps just hang up lol, no disrespect to Indians in general, only the ones that work for sprint lol. One more thing, i did my thing and got the airave thing for free!!!. Thanks Dash for letting me know about this :) I lov..... (ahh i don't wanna say it)