Games Request

Request games/roms here and we will do are best to find them for you. Please as usual give us adequate time to find these for you and specify what smartphone it will be for. Thanks

Good morning everyone is there anymore PDAMill gamebox games available?
I download the ones already listed and they are fantastic. So thank you, I was just interested in some more from that company. Thanks and may the force be with you.
Good morning everyone is there anymore PDAMill gamebox games available?
I download the ones already listed and they are fantastic. So thank you, I was just interested in some more from that company. Thanks and may the force be with you.

we have a lot of them here if not all of them that they have released. why dont you look at the developers site and see what they have and if we dont have it just make a request with a link to the developers site like the rules state.
Whoa, I just noticed that two of my requests from a couple of weeks ago were deleted and never fulfilled. Not complaining that they weren't fulfilled...but why were they deleted? I remember one was for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 2002 (different from the one already posted) and one was for another game that just escapes me now. I put them in the correct format too (links to the developers site and all).
Im still looking for the passcode for maggot attack pinball.

Re: PDAmill Maggot Attack Pinball v2.0


I already downloaded it, its already on my phone, but it is supposed to come with a folder that provides the passcode, that folder wont load up, are you able to get the passcode?
Whoa, I just noticed that two of my requests from a couple of weeks ago were deleted and never fulfilled. Not complaining that they weren't fulfilled...but why were they deleted? I remember one was for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 2002 (different from the one already posted) and one was for another game that just escapes me now. I put them in the correct format too (links to the developers site and all).

ummmmmmmm becasue of the server issues we lost a couple days of posts and also ofollow the rules and give me a link to the developers site!!!!!

Im still looking for the passcode for maggot attack pinball.

Re: PDAmill Maggot Attack Pinball v2.0


I already downloaded it, its already on my phone, but it is supposed to come with a folder that provides the passcode, that folder wont load up, are you able to get the passcode?

why dont you ask in the thread of the app!!!!!!!!!!!
ummmmmmmm becasue of the server issues we lost a couple days of posts and also ofollow the rules and give me a link to the developers site!!!!!

Wasn't requesting it again, I was just wondering what happened to my post. I already forgot the developer's sites anyway...that's actually why I tried to check my old post again so I could find out!!!!!
Wasn't requesting it again, I was just wondering what happened to my post. I already forgot the developer's sites anyway...that's actually why I tried to check my old post again so I could find out!!!!!

server troubles deleted a couple hours of posts.
Ok buzz have been going around about Prey going to ppc. And it's finally here. Excellent graphics detail if we could get this game cracked it would highlight for sure

Developers Site:


DASH you would kick ass to get this.

ill see what i can do i might have to start on a crack at work tonight for this.
Thread Closed im sick of repeating myself..... if we have it we have it no more requests all 3 threads closed.