I'm not crying, I'm just stating that I am new here. You aren't. You D^SH, are the owner of the site. Your cockiness is coming off as rude to me. I posted in the correct place, I have figured most of everything I need out on my own, and I understand you have all sorts of noobs throwing you stupid questions left and right. What my point is, is that you should be a little less menacing to us new users. I'm not trying to start a war here, but I've seen your replies to others as well. As the owner of this site, you should be more welcoming. That's all. You're just straight-up rude towards me and other members when we have questions. I use the search feature a lot. Some links are broken, some don't have answers to what I need. So if I'm asking you something, it's because I couldn't find it.
I'm trying to bring to your attention that you need to be more welcoming and friendly, instead of being cocky.
I understand though, I didn't post a link. I am sorry for that, and that's not sarcasm. "if you follow the rules and can post me a link to what you are talking bout and thats prolly going to end up being an emualtor rom...."
Apparently I can't find the link to the game, that's why I asked about it. Damn.
I am following the rules. Like I said, I understand you got noobs throwing stupid questions out there left and right, but you own this site. Be more professional about it, what are you, like 15?
Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion, maybe I just thought after reading a lot of your replies, I think you should just be more patient and tolerable. Noobs will come to the site. I could also contribute some. Not much, but some. But I mention you're being too hard on noobs, and you reply with "holy shit stop your crying and find this yourself i aint doing it now..." Grow up. This is exactly my point.
Sorry again for snapping but someone had to say it. I like your site, I like your mods, just be more friendly.