GARMIN Mobile XT for internal GPS


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GARMIN MobileÄ XT for internal GPS

Minimum Requirements: Minimum requirements for Windows Mobile, Palm and Symbian devices: 16MB program memory, 128MB storage card minimum (256MB or more
recommended), 2GB storage card for full coverage

Go Anywhere: With no network coverage required, Garmin Mobile XT works anywhere. Simply plug the microSD card (with miniSD and standard SD card converters) into your compatible phone with built-in GPS and go. Since Garmin Mobile XT works outside your phone's coverage area, you'll get directions when you need them most.

Watch the demo at


More Info: Admin Edited (elboriyorker)


To use the Mogul's built-in GPS you must be running a ROM version of at least 3.16.651.0 with a radio ROM version of at least 3.27.00 (to find your ROM version go to the "Device Information" application found in Start->Settings->"System" tab).

Make sure that in the "External GPS" app (found in Start->Settings->"System" tab) matches the following settings:
  • Under the "Programs" tab, the "GPS program port:" is set to "COM4".
  • Under the "Hardware" tab, the "GPS hardware port:" is set to "None", and the "Baud rate:" is set to "4800".
  • Under the "Access" tab, the "Manage GPS automatically (recommended)" option is checked.

Make sure that your phone's location setting is set to "ON". You can do this by launching the "Phone" app (found in Start->Settings->"Personal" tab), then:
  1. Under the "Services" tab, choose the "Location Setting" item in the listbox, and press the "Get Settings..." button.
  2. Make sure the "Phone: Location Setting" is set to "ON"
  3. OK everything, and soft reset your phone

for the mogul info havent tested yet but this is the specs to enable gps i will try soon and update
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no go for me dash even when i upgrade the rom you gave me and everything is set correctly oh well .

i got working on myine without troubles will take her for a full spin later tonight on the way to work and tell you guyz how it works tomorrow.
hey is there anyway to get this to work on my touch? i have it all running perfectly except it cant find any satellite connection?
search the forum for wm6.1 for touch. It should be in aware this involved unlocking you phone.which voids warranty being these are custom roms.Also phone will be hard rest. loosing all data and would have to reinstall everything.If your uncomfortable doing so i suggest you wait for the official release.
yea im def gonna wait... u no when 6.1 is gonna be released? i thought i read somewhere from dash that is was gonna be at the end of jan. thanks for the info
Anyone have a good sorce for some US maps for this, or did i just miss them in the file? Thanks in advance for the help.

they ould al be in the folders attache bro. i just downloaded and than type the address i wanted to travel to and had no problems.
Must have been a GPS thing. It's working now. Earlier it wouldn't let me view outside of AFrica. Showed my location in the middle of the water. Tnx