I love google voice for many reasons. But as for the pick 3, I have to have data plan anyway so Any mobile Anytime works for me since I don't call landlines. Well, here' something I found with google voice next time your running late on paying your bill.... So OBVIOUSLY I was late on paying my bill, Sprint cut my outgoing calls off and outgoing sms, but incoming is still good for a while AND so is data. Well with GV dialer all you need is data... I was making calls with a partially suspended account, lol.. pretty sweet.. Pulled up GV Dialer, made my call, Web Dial success comes up then your call goes thru... I was like...hahahaha F&*% Sprint..hahahaha ... but then I had to pay it because the data wouldn't last forever, week tops! It's funny how they only block the outgoing calls 1st, then they snip you all the way... whatev...