Hello I would like someone to help me with getting my GPS to work and Youtube to work also.
I dont know these programs and the steps i have seen didnt really go into detail, and i dont want to brick my phone doing something i dont know. so could you please reply with the exact program an version, and some steps on how to get things done, without me bricking it ? Oh an i have the Simple Iphone theme running, and i have been looking to put the Rotate Screen Icon on it but i dont know where to find the location or the name of the icon to use.
I dont know these programs and the steps i have seen didnt really go into detail, and i dont want to brick my phone doing something i dont know. so could you please reply with the exact program an version, and some steps on how to get things done, without me bricking it ? Oh an i have the Simple Iphone theme running, and i have been looking to put the Rotate Screen Icon on it but i dont know where to find the location or the name of the icon to use.