gSmart TOUCH


Owner - Staff
Whoa, DAsh i agree, somebody get a hold of this and leave feedback. This is one nice interface..clean looking

lol i was thinking hte same since it is in version 1 so this is the beta build of all beta builds and was waiting for a review.
Well I just installed it a little bit ago and have been messing around with it and I must say its very nice. It is very clean. Although so far I haven't been able to find any options for it though. The bottom bar of icons slide across the bottom and you can add as many icons as you want from (now this is the issue) their program manager. You can't add any other programs other than what they have and some of them don't work. Some of the other icons on the main screen don't work because I'm guessing they're meant to be linked to some other location than where mine are at. The one thing that I really like about it is that it is really responsive. I honestly haven't tried out many other GUIs or interfaces, but this is as smooth and as responsive as I could ever want. If only the settings button worked or there was some ability to customize it at all (which maybe the settings button would allow me to do), I would love it.
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Alright been looking at this all morning and finnaly decided to bite the bullet. I did just like CODKILL did, i added to ultimate launcher so i can use it at will..... So far so good. Will keep you guys posted. Havent meed around with it too much.... if any issues please let us know and ill do the same!
I jus installed this on my mogul and it does look nice but some of the buttons dont work and the signal bar isnt working.. if it were tweaked to completely work on my phone i would keep it but thanks for the new definately did not hurt to try it.
I jus installed this on my mogul and it does look nice but some of the buttons dont work and the signal bar isnt working.. if it were tweaked to completely work on my phone i would keep it but thanks for the new definately did not hurt to try it.

yeah with it being a new prduct in its first stage the next releases are bound to be fixing these problems mentioned in this thread.
dang this interface is clean looking but just like I read it, its only the 1st build so on other terms *buggy* lol.....nice find tho, and keep the reviews coming guys,