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Guitar Hero 3 Updated Version

Damnit I have the internet turned off on the phone right now(can't afford it at the moment) so I can't get this to work, whenever I hit a song it tries to connect to the net.

turn it back on by calling retentions and they will make a deal for around 5 bucks or so for unlimited since they are still getting extra money in their pockets.
Really I can get the internet back for 5 bucks a month? Hah what do I say, just call retentions and be like "I wanna turn my net back on, but I only wanna pay 5 bucks"
Really I can get the internet back for 5 bucks a month? Hah what do I say, just call retentions and be like "I wanna turn my net back on, but I only wanna pay 5 bucks"

naw be like i went through multiple of your "service reps" and have been spun and spun in circles and sick of it........ and give them a story about your net and how it didnt work 3/4 of the time and you would call and it would be fixed after 2 hours on the phone and than it would do it again a few days later..... and build off that and they will give you the data package back for the 5 bucks or so. :>
I've tried entering multiple keys at the register screen and all I get is invalid code. Is there a certain amount of digits that is has to be or can I simply enter "1" or something like that.
Man, I'm still getting nothing. I've tried two different downloads, and neither of them are giving me anything. If anybody has any ideas, i'd appreciate some suggestions. I've got this suspicion that the answer is right infront of me and I'm looking to hard to see it
ya i'm having the exact same proble, i can't get it to register i've tried 123456 and 123456789

jsut try random amounts of letters or even numbers........ it does work and it just a random number that varies by the phone... trust me it works as you can also see from the responces in this thread.
mine has a few songs but says no network available when i try another. i have internet

try doing a couple of things...first go in to your comm manager on your ppc and enable the internet connection before you go in to the game and then when you are in the game try doing the song update on the main menu.
are you on a school network or something...or work...cause what other reason would you have for being on a proxy and if you are then its possible because the tcp/ip settings on a phone a bit diff than on a pc....try seeing if you have a proxy manager on your phone and see if it lets you mask it so other programs dont know any better...you might be able to get away with that
are you on a school network or something...or work...cause what other reason would you have for being on a proxy and if you are then its possible because the tcp/ip settings on a phone a bit diff than on a pc....try seeing if you have a proxy manager on your phone and see if it lets you mask it so other programs dont know any better...you might be able to get away with that

also make sure that the wifi is off it will not work via wifi