Hello Im New


I just swapped back to my Mogul (sprint) and updated it to Rev-a and WM6.1, now I can't find any of the nice .cabs that I used to get the phone looking and working the way I want. It was so much easier to find things that worked with WM5. But it looks like this is the place to find it!

Mainly looking for a finger friendly today screen, and getting my Internet Sharing working (it worked on my Moto Q9c wm6.1).

Welcome to SmartphoneJunkie.Com

We have everything you need for your ppc. Take some time to get familiar with the side

menu and the search feature in green.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not threaded

already in the help desk also from the side menu.

There is No PM's to Moderators or Admins or Trial Staff asking how to unlock my phone

where to download things or how to install things there is threads for that.

ALSO READ THE NOOB GUIDE AND THE RULES. Also if you download anything hit the INSTALL


Have fun and enjoy this great site

I will read the guide, so I hopefully don't annoy the people who are kind enough to share thier work. In the guide will it tell me how to join groups, so I can download things? Thanks for your time.
glad to have you here and take a look at the apps area under the mobile resource tab above and you will find everything that you need and more .cab and exe wise :> we are one of the best sites if not the best for your mogul :>
Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not threaded already in the help desk also from the side menu. Once again welcome and hope to see you around the site. No PM's to Moderators or Admins on 'how to do stuff and or how to unlock my phone or 'Can you mod this or that any questions you have post it, that's why we have a thread or post use it. Read this before anything NOOB GUIDE

Welcome to www.androidmobilejunkie.com we have everything you could think of for you ppc needs if someone helps you be sure to hit the thanks button and read the noob guide & search before posting a thread:yahoo: