

My last post didn't make the introduction because I was stating I was looking for some specific themes. So I'll try and do this again, but give more about myself than what I gave in my first posting.

Anyways, I am a former Marine and currently a National Guard soldier. I married a Japanese lady. I am a convert Catholic since Easter 2004. I am an English major from MTSU with two minors in Asian studies and secondary education (non-teaching, I lack the student teaching because I knew I was going to go to Iraq and my GI Bill ran out). Religion is my favorite subject to discuss, but I blog about that on other forums. Incidently, this forum set-up looks virtually the same as the two places I post at. Must be using the same software program, but I think I like your icons a whole lot better. Anyways, I do not expect to carry on much dialogue here since my nerdyness is in a different realm, I am not as "white and nerdy" as Weird Al, but I am a JRR Tolkein fan all the way--but I do not speak Elvish.

The things I would like to learn from this website is how to tap into the full potential of my current HP2200 iPAQ, I also have an older Pocket PC HP Jornada 540. So if you have any of these two models or use the same sort of system, I would love to hear about what programs really juice you up and keep you excited about these older systems. I do not really want to get a pc phone, I can txt and call on a cheaper cell and keep my rates low for service. If I wanted internet on my pocket pc, I'd just as soon download the page. I can make transactions on my desktop and get news from the tv. I can serious game on a PSP, but I like the big screen to read ebooks and use universalis' liturgy of the hours on the pocket pc. I wish I could transfer the program to the PSP. I got an iPod classic 80GB. Well that is about all the small tech gadgets I really use: pocket pc 2002, Windows CE v.3.0.

Sincerely, Stephen
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Welcome to www.androidmobilejunkie.com aka "AMJ"

You've come into the best site for modifications, themes, applications, software, movies, and knowledge for your PPC or electronics in general; take your time, look around and enjoy! If you READ the NOOB GUIDES and the RULES, you should be able to figure things out. Click on SHOW SIG button (towards the bottom left of every post) for more help. There is a SEARCH link at the top of EVERY page.
We have a very helpful staff here; but there are NO PMs to Admins / Mods / Staff asking "how do .........." because there are threads for that.

Don't forget to hit THANKS (bottom right of every post) if someone helps you. Saying "Thanks" in your reply is great, but that button is quicker.

SENIOR Administrator
for your device you will wanna check out xda-developers for some custom roms and gettting your phone unlocked so you can flash them.... than you can come back yo us for all the apps and support on those apps :)
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Welcome to AMJ ... here you will find everything you are looking for and more ... take your time getting around the site and make sure you have fun while at it ... see ya around!