help please...ok


i flashed my 6800 with the rom for wm 6.1 and now my inenternet on my phone aint working i called sprint and thry cant do nuthing so what do i do to fix this
im gunna need a little more info for instance answer these question for me

1)can you make and recive phone calls and texts
2)what is the build of the rom
3) canyou use internet with wifi
4) what radio are you on
5) what prl are you on

some of the info can be found at/under start>setting>system>device info
yes i an text and get calls

rom version: 3.16.651.0

yes i guess cuz i can see the web on my phone when it hooked u to the pc with usb

radio: 3.27.00

prl: 60610
yes i an text and get calls

rom version: 3.16.651.0

yes i guess cuz i can see the web on my phone when it hooked u to the pc with usb

radio: 3.27.00

prl: 60610

ok this is the only fix that i can think of for you on the internet. go to: start/settings/personal/phone/services (tab)/ internet(click get settings and wait for iota to disappear from top taskbar) and than soft reset if it doesnt by itself and you should be fine./ let me know howw this work out for you.
ok i did it dont do nuthing

so your internet still isnt working. ummmm than i would say that you did something wrong during the flash process. try to go back to 2.17 and than flash back up to 3.16 and see if that fixes your problem...... or even just try to reflash 3.17 could ahve just had a little hiccup.