HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 1.06.344 build 0344 (freeware)


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HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 1.06.344 build 0344 (freeware)
Requirements: WM5, WM6, WM6.1
Overview: Overview: HomeScreen PlusPlus; formerly known as BatteryStatus, is a full-featured plugin that allows you to customize some indicators in the Today screen. By this way you will be able to know the status of the battery, memory or processor at a glance. The wide range of possibilities offered by HomeScreen PlusPlus can be set to be shown in Home or not.


Download Instructions:

download help[img=]">
Download Instructions:

download help[img=]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="525" height="450">
Re: HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 106344 build 0344 (freeware)

i installed the latest homescreen ++, i saw it on my today screen when i first i cant see it or find it. i was trying to play with settings but i dont know what i did to make it disappear. under setting/personal/today, its checked but its no where to be found on the today screen..i also went into the program file/homescreen plusplus folder but theres nothing to open up the settings/option to configure. i dont know what to do. ive reinstalled 4 times and results are the same. let me know if there is a way to get it back on the screen.

i also went into the today setting, clicked on homescreen plusplus, shows theres an option button, clicked it and it does nothing.
Re: HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 106344 build 0344 (freeware)

i installed the latest homescreen ++, i saw it on my today screen when i first i cant see it or find it. i was trying to play with settings but i dont know what i did to make it disappear. under setting/personal/today, its checked but its no where to be found on the today screen..i also went into the program file/homescreen plusplus folder but theres nothing to open up the settings/option to configure. i dont know what to do. ive reinstalled 4 times and results are the same. let me know if there is a way to get it back on the screen.

i also went into the today setting, clicked on homescreen plusplus, shows theres an option button, clicked it and it does nothing.

huh thats odd have you tried to add it to your startup folder located in the windows folder and see what it does when it tries to open the app upon boot-up?
Re: HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 106344 build 0344 (freeware)

i went into the program folder under program files, only files i see are calendar, contacts, task, and tasklist. i tried to open tasklist..nothing happens. theres no other files in there to open up the plugin.
Re: HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 106344 build 0344 (freeware)

i went into the program folder under program files, only files i see are calendar, contacts, task, and tasklist. i tried to open tasklist..nothing happens. theres no other files in there to open up the plugin.

honestly i myself have never used this application but if you look in the first post i have a link to the developers page and that should have a FAQ area that you can use :>
Re: HomeScreen PlusPlus UI Edition 106344 build 0344 (freeware)

ive been on his page for a while just researching and was also reading their forum. so i did quite some research before i post this here. i was able to get it to show up on my home screen. i went into registry and deleted the today plugin for homescreen ++ and now it shows up. but i have another problem...the menus have no text in them at all so i cant tell what each selection do. i know how to get into options/settings because its a 'gear' icon..but for the rest of the not sure what it says. i dont know how to make it display a clock and such.